【브레이크뉴스 경주】박희경 기자=경주시는 14일 감포 연동항에서 주낙영 시장, 김상기 포항지방해양수산청장, 김중권 경북도 환동해본부장, 마을주민 등 200여명이 참석한 가운데 ‘연동항 어촌뉴딜 300사업’ 준공식을 가졌다고 밝혔다.
시는 지난 2020년도 해양수산부 공모사업에 선정돼 74억8100만원 예산을 들여 어항기반시설 정비, 쾌적한 정주환경 조성, 해양레저 체험공간 조성, 어촌체험마을 기능 개선 등의 사업을 추진했다.
그간 연동항은 태풍, 너울성 파도 등 기상악화 시 주민의 안전과 생존권을 위협 받았을 뿐만 아니라 어선이 안전하게 대피할 수 있는 기반시설이 부족했다.
이에 시는 테트라포드(TTP) 보강, 남방파제 확장 및 안전시설 다목적 인양기 설치, 선양장 증고 등 어항시설 개선으로 주민들은 자연재난에 대한 대비와 안정적인 어업활동을 영위할 수 있게 했다.
또 오류4리 연동항 인근 마을에 주민들의 보행환경과 안전을 위해 소화전, 자동심장충격기 등 안전시설 설치를 비롯해 마을쉼터 설치, 해안마실마당 조성, 마을안길 정비 등의 사업도 추진했다.
이밖에도 어촌체험마을센터 일부를 리모델링해 마을카페 운영으로 주민들의 어업활동 외 일자리 창출과 마을 소득 증대에도 큰 도움이 되고 있다.
특히 2021년부터 진행된 지역역량강화 사업을 통해 바리스타 자격증 취득 등 맞춤형 교육뿐만 아니라 주민들의 자생력 향상과 지속가능한 어촌개발 역량을 높일 수 있는 다양한 운영체계도 마련했다.
주낙영 시장은 “연동마을은 여름철에 낚시, 해수욕 등 다양한 체험이 가능한 지역의 대표적인 해양레저 마을이다”라며 “어항시설 정비와 더불어 배후 어촌마을 주민들이 실제 체감할 수 있는 생활밀착형 SOC사업도 함께 지속적으로 추진해 어촌의 혁신 성장을 위한 견인차 역할이 될 수 있도록 최선을 다 하겠다”고 말했다.
한편 경주시는 2019년 수렴항, 2020년 나정·연동항, 2021년 척사항, 2022년 가곡항이 어촌뉴딜 300사업에 선정되는 쾌거를 이뤘다.
<구글번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Yeondong Port in Gyeongju City, reborn as a livable fishing village...Fishing Village New Deal 300 project completed
On the 14th, the city of Gyeongju announced that it held a completion ceremony for the Yeondong Port Fishing Village New Deal 300 Project at Yeondong Port in Gampo, attended by 200 people, including Mayor Joo Nak-young, National Assembly member Kim Seok-ki, Pohang Regional Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office Director Kim Sang-ki, North Gyeongsang Province Rim and East Sea Headquarters Kim Joong-kwon, and villagers.
The Fishing Village New Deal 300 Project is a project to select 300 ports, ports and fishing villages across the country to modernize underdeveloped fishing villages and fishing ports and to increase the vitality of fishing villages through specialized development of fishing villages. As one of the government's representative community-based living SOC (social overhead capital) projects, Gyeongju City is the second after the completion of the Convergence Port Fishing Village New Deal 300 project in 2021.
The city was selected for the 2020 Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries contest project and spent a budget of 7.481 billion won to maintain fishing port infrastructure, create a pleasant settlement environment, create a marine leisure experience space, and improve the function of the fishing village experience village.
In the meantime, Yeondong Port not only threatened the safety and right to live of residents in the event of bad weather such as typhoons and tidal waves, but also lacked infrastructure for safe evacuation of fishing boats.
In response, the city made it possible for residents to prepare for natural disasters and engage in stable fishing activities by improving the fishing port facilities, such as reinforcing the tetrapod (TTP), expanding the southern breakwater, installing a multi-purpose lifting machine for safety facilities, and increasing the wharf.
In addition, safety facilities such as fire hydrants and automatic defibrillators were installed in the villages near Yeondonghang Port in Oryu 4-ri for the walking environment and safety of residents, as well as projects such as installation of village shelters, creation of coastal drinking yards, and maintenance of village streets.
In addition, Yeonhwajeong Park was created so that you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Yeondong Port and the sandy beach, and a coastal water-friendly space such as a picnic area, shade canopy installation, and coastal trail maintenance will be provided to provide rest and convenience to visitors.
In addition, part of the fishing village experience village center has been remodeled and the village cafe is operating, which is of great help in creating jobs other than fishing activities for residents and increasing village income.
In particular, through the regional capacity building project, which has been in progress since 2021, not only customized education such as acquiring a barista license, but also various operating systems that can improve the self-sustainability of residents and enhance their capacity for sustainable fishing village development have been prepared.
Mayor Joo Nak-young said, “Yeondong Village is a representative marine leisure village in the region where you can enjoy various experiences such as fishing and bathing in the summer.” We will do our best to serve as a driving force for the innovative growth of fishing villages.”
Meanwhile, Gyeongju City accomplished the splendid feat of being selected as one of the 300 fishing village new deal projects: Convergence Port in 2019, Najeong/Yeondong Port in 2020, Cheoksa Port in 2021, and Gagok Port in 2022. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
경주시, 연동항 관련기사목록
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