【브레이크뉴스 경북】이성현 기자=대한적십자사 경북지사(회장 김재왕)는 18일, 안동시 경북적십자사 3층 회의실에서 경상북도이·통장연합회(회장 엄태봉)와 ‘나눔·생명·봉사’의 사회적 가치 실현을 위한사회공헌협약을 체결했다고 밝혔다
이날 엄태봉 회장이 운영하는 세명소방(주)(울진군 소재)이 도내 위기가정 자립 지원을 위한 적십자‘씀씀이가 바른기업 캠페인(월20만원 이상 정기후원)’에 동참하여 후원사 명패를 전달받았으며, 김재왕 회장은 적십자의 기본정신인‘인도·박애·봉사’글자가 새겨진 청자도판을 경상북도이·통장연합회에 선물했다.
엄태봉 회장은“지역사회 취약계층 지원 및 재난구호활동 등도내 적십자 인도주의 활동에깊이 감사드린다”라며,“이번 협약을 계기로 우리 경북이 보다 더 따뜻한 사회가 될 수 있도록 적십자 활동의 지속가능성을 위해 함께 고민하고 적극적으로 협력해 나가도록 하겠다”라고소감을 밝혔다.
김재왕 회장은 “지역사회 현안에 항상 힘써주시는 경북이·통장분들이 계시기에 우리 경북의 미래가 밝다고 생각한다. 적십자와 꾸준히 동행해 주셔서 감사드린다”라며, “앞으로 지역 내나눔문화 및 인도주의정신을 확대해 나가기 위한 다양한활동을 함께하길 소망한다”라고 말했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
The Gyeongbuk branch of the Korean Red Cross signed a social contribution agreement with the Gyeongsangbuk-do Lee and Bank Account Association.
On the 18th, the Gyeongbuk branch of the Korean Red Cross (Chairman Kim Jae-wang) announced that it signed a social contribution agreement with the Gyeongsangbuk Doi and Tongjang Association (Chairman Eom Tae-bong) at the conference room on the 3rd floor of the Gyeongbuk Red Cross in Andong-si to realize the social values of ‘sharing, life, and service.’
The agreement ceremony was held on this day with the attendance of 13 officials, including Chairman Kim Jae-wang and Chairman Eom Tae-bong, and through the agreement, both organizations △fundraised to spread the culture of sharing △support the vulnerable groups in the province and promote various joint volunteer activities programs △promptly respond in the event of a disaster. We decided to cooperate for various social contribution activities such as sharing resources and information for relief activities, supporting safety education such as CPR, and other cooperation projects.
On this day, Semyung Fire Co., Ltd. (located in Uljin-gun), run by Chairman Eom Tae-bong, participated in the Red Cross's 'Spendable Company Campaign (regular sponsorship of 200,000 won or more per month)' to support self-reliance of families at risk in the province and received a sponsor name plaque, and Jae-wang Kim The chairman presented a celadon plate engraved with the basic spirit of the Red Cross, 'Humanity, Philanthropy, and Service', to the Gyeongsangbuk-do Association.
Chairman Eom Tae-bong said, “I am deeply grateful for the Red Cross’ humanitarian activities in the province, such as support for vulnerable groups in the local community and disaster relief activities,” and “With this agreement, we will work together for the sustainability of Red Cross activities so that our Gyeongbuk region can become a warmer society.” “We will think about it and actively cooperate,” he said.
Chairman Kim Jae-wang said, “I think the future of Gyeongbuk is bright because there are Gyeongbuk residents and bank managers who always work hard on local community issues. “Thank you for consistently accompanying us with the Red Cross,” he said. “We hope to work together in various activities to expand the culture of sharing and humanitarianism in the region in the future.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
브레이크뉴스 대구 본부장입니다. 기사제보: noonbk053@hanmail.net
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