경북도, 농업대전환과 농업·농촌위기 극복 위해 1조1천억 투입 한다2025년 농축산유통 분야 지난해 대비 615억원 증가(5.9%) 1조 1,096억원
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농업인들이 안심하고 농업 활동에 종사할 수 있게 농가 소득·경영 안전망 구축에 4,839억원을 지원한다.
농업인의 소득 안정과 환경보전, 농촌 유지, 농가인구 감소율 둔화 등 다양한 분야에서 농업·농촌환경에 긍정적인 변화를 끌어내기 위해 공익 증진 직불금 4,267억원, 농어민수당 553억원 등을 편성했다.
미래 농업인 육성·농촌 융복합산업 고도화에 645억원을 지원해 경북농업의 미래를 설계한다.
영농 초기 소득이 불안정한 청년 농업인들의 안정적인 영농 정착을 위한 청년농업인 영농정착 지원에 202억원, 생산·가공, 체험 등 1~3차 산업의 융복합을 통해 농업의 미래산업화와 고부가농업의 구현을 위해 농촌융복합(6차)산업 육성에 46억원 등을 편성했다.
농식품산업의 선진화 및 농식품 수출 확대를 위해 774억원을 투입한다.
농산물의 생산·저장·선별 등 유통시설에 지원하는 농산물 생산유통 기반 구축에 43억원, 농식품 제조·가공기업에 시설과 설비 등을 지원하는 농산물 제조가공 지원에 30억원, 주산지별 품목 특성을 반영한 규모화된 산지 유통시설을 지원하는 농산물 산지유통센터와 과수거점산지유통센터 건립에 185억원, 국가별 해외시장 개척 및 수출 컨설팅 지원으로 농식품 수출 확대를 도모하는 농식품 해외시장개척 및 기술지원에 19억원 등을 편성했다.
농업 생산시스템 혁신과 지속 가능한 농업환경 조성을 위해 스마트·친환경농업 육성에 707억원을 투자한다.
첨단온실을 조성하고 청년농업인에게 임대해 안정적인 농촌 정착을 유도하는 지역특화 임대형스마트팜 조성 사업에 47억원, 관행농법의 노지 작물 재배에서 데이터 기반 영농으로 전환하는 노지스마트농업 시범사업에 91억원, 토양을 개량하고 지력을 유지·보전해 친환경농업 실천 기반을 조성하는 토양개량제 공급에 89억원 등을 편성했다.
원예·특작 산업의 경쟁력을 강화하고 효율적 생산시스템을 구축하기 위해 534억원을 지원한다.
과수 주산지를 대상으로 생산 기반을 구축해 경쟁력 있는 과실생산 거점으로 육성하는 과실전문생산단지 기반조성사업에 175억원, 농산물 품질 향상을 목적으로 과수·시설원예 분야 생산시설을 현대화하는 과수고품질시설 현대화 및 시설원예 현대화 지원에 149억원, 고소득 대체 작물인 헴프의 생산 기반 조성을 지원하여 농가 소득 증대를 도모하는 특용작물 산업화지원센터 설립에 18억원 등을 편성했다.
쾌적하고 살기 좋은 농촌 조성을 위해 농촌개발·기반 정비에 2,020억원을 투입한다.
읍·면 소재지를 농촌 발전 거점으로 육성해 배후 마을과 도시를 연결하는 중심지로 개발하는 농촌중심지 활성화 사업에 480억원, 농촌중심지 기능을 보완하면서, 접근이 어려운 배후 마을 주민에게 서비스 공급 거점을 마련하는 기초생활거점 조성 사업에 487억원, 축사·공장 등을 정비해 농촌 공간을 재구조화하고 정주환경을 개선하는 농촌공간정비사업에 202억원, 저지대 농경지에 배수시설을 설치해 침수 피해를 예방하는 배수개선사업에 432억원 등을 편성했다.
건강한 가축, 안전한 축산물 공급을 위해 축산 기반 조성·동물방역에 989억원을 지원한다.
ICT(정보통신기술) 융복합 장비 지원으로 축산농가 경쟁력을 강화하는 축산분야 ICT융복합 확산 사업에 17억원, 가축분뇨 처리 및 악취 저감에 필요한 시설과 장비를 지원하는 축산악취 개선 사업에 20억원, 가축 살처분 및 오염물건의 폐기에 대한 보상금을 지급하는 살처분 보상금 지원에 56억원, 구제역 백신 구매비와 구제역 예방 백신 접종 시술비를 지원하는 구제역 예방접종 지원에 81억원 등을 편성했다.
김주령 경북도 농축산유통국장은 “2025년에는 증액된농업예산을 기반으로 농업대전환 확산의 발판을 마련한 만큼 앞으로 농업대전환의 성공을 시군으로 확산시켜 생산성과 소득을 높이는 농정 혁신을 이어가겠다”고 밝혔다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Gyeongbuk Province to invest KRW 1.1 trillion in agricultural budget in 2025... Expanding agricultural transformation and overcoming agricultural and rural crises
On the 1st, Gyeongsangbuk-do announced that it will invest KRW 1.1096 trillion (9.5% of the total provincial expenditure budget (general account) of KRW 11.7267 trillion), an increase of KRW 61.5 billion (5.9%) from last year, in the agricultural and livestock distribution sector in 2025.
According to Gyeongbuk Province on the 2nd, the budget for the Gyeongbuk Province Agricultural and Livestock Distribution Bureau in 2025 was organized with a focus on rapidly expanding the agricultural transformation proven to be successful through double-cropping joint farming, as well as overcoming crises in agriculture and rural areas such as slowing future growth momentum due to aging, worsening climate change, labor shortages, and widening income gaps between urban and rural areas.
Specifically, the budget will be invested intensively in 7 areas: ▴Establishing a safety net for farm income and management, ▴Fostering future farmers and advancing rural convergence industries, ▴Agricultural products and exports, ▴Fostering smart and eco-friendly agriculture, ▴Modernizing horticulture and special crop facilities, ▴Rural development and infrastructure maintenance, ▴Livestock and animal quarantine.
483.9 billion won will be provided to establish a safety net for farm income and management so that farmers can engage in agricultural activities with peace of mind.
426.7 billion won in public interest promotion direct payments and 55.3 billion won in farm and fisherman allowances were allocated to bring about positive changes in the agricultural and rural environment in various areas such as stabilizing farmers' income, environmental conservation, maintaining rural areas, and slowing the decline in the farm population.
We will design the future of Gyeongbuk agriculture by supporting 64.5 billion won for fostering future farmers and advancing rural convergence industries.
20.2 billion won was allocated for supporting young farmers’ settlement in farming to ensure stable farming settlement for young farmers with unstable income in the early stages of farming, and 4.6 billion won was allocated for fostering rural convergence (6th) industries to realize future industrialization of agriculture and high value-added agriculture through convergence of 1st to 3rd industries such as production, processing, and experience.
77.4 billion won will be invested to advance the agricultural and food industry and expand agricultural and food product exports.
4.3 billion won was allocated to establish an agricultural product production and distribution base to support distribution facilities such as production, storage, and sorting of agricultural products, 3 billion won to support agricultural product manufacturing and processing to support facilities and equipment for agricultural product manufacturing and processing companies, 18.5 billion won to establish agricultural product distribution centers and fruit tree distribution centers to support large-scale production facilities that reflect the characteristics of each major production area, and 1.9 billion won to support overseas market development and technical support for agricultural product exports by supporting overseas market development and export consulting for each country.
70.7 billion won will be invested in fostering smart and eco-friendly agriculture to innovate agricultural production systems and create a sustainable agricultural environment.
4.7 billion won was allocated to the establishment of a regional specialized rental smart farm project that creates cutting-edge greenhouses and rents them out to young farmers to encourage stable rural settlement, 9.1 billion won to the open-field smart agriculture pilot project that transitions from conventional farming methods to data-based farming, and 8.9 billion won to the supply of soil improvement agents that improve soil and maintain and preserve fertility to create a foundation for eco-friendly farming practices.
53.4 billion won will be provided to strengthen the competitiveness of the horticulture and specialty crop industries and establish an efficient production system.
17.5 billion won was allocated to the Fruit Specialized Production Complex Foundation Development Project, which aims to foster competitive fruit production bases by establishing production bases targeting fruit producing areas, 14.9 billion won to support the modernization of high-quality fruit facilities and modernization of facility horticulture to improve the quality of agricultural products, and 1.8 billion won to establish a special crop industrialization support center to support the establishment of a production base for hemp, a high-income alternative crop, and increase farm household income.
202 billion won will be invested in rural development and infrastructure improvement to create pleasant and livable rural areas.
48 billion won was allocated to the Rural Center Activation Project, which develops townships and townships into hubs for rural development and connects the hinterland villages and cities; 48.7 billion won to the Basic Living Center Creation Project, which supplements the functions of rural centers while providing a service supply base for residents of hinterland villages that are difficult to access; 20.2 billion won to the Rural Space Improvement Project, which restructures rural spaces and improves the living environment by organizing livestock sheds and factories; and 43.2 billion won to the Drainage Improvement Project, which installs drainage facilities in low-lying farmland to prevent flood damage.
98.9 billion won will be provided to support the establishment of a livestock infrastructure and animal quarantine to supply healthy livestock and safe livestock products.
1.7 billion won was allocated to the livestock ICT convergence expansion project to strengthen the competitiveness of livestock farms by supporting ICT (information and communication technology) convergence equipment, 2 billion won to the livestock odor improvement project to support facilities and equipment necessary for livestock manure treatment and odor reduction, 5.6 billion won to support culling compensation to pay compensation for livestock culling and disposal of contaminated materials, and 8.1 billion won to support foot-and-mouth disease vaccination to support foot-and-mouth disease vaccine purchase costs and foot-and-mouth disease prevention vaccination costs.
Gyeongbuk Province Livestock and Agricultural Products Distribution Bureau Director Kim Joo-ryeong said, “In 2025, we will continue to expand the success of the agricultural transformation to cities and counties based on the increased agricultural budget, and continue agricultural policy innovation to increase productivity and income.”