2028학년도 '새 수능' 통합사회·과학 각 25문항 40분씩 치른다2028학년도 새 수능 시험시간 20분 늘고...통합사회·과학 각 25문항씩
【브레이크뉴스】박영재 기자=선택과목 없이 통합형으로 시행되는 2028학년도 대학수학능력시험에서 사회·과학탐구 과목당 문항 수와 시험시간이 각 25문항, 40분으로 확정됐다. 통합사회·과학 배점은 기존 2, 3점에서 1.5점, 2점, 2.5점으로 삼원화된다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
【Break News】Reporter Park Young-jae = The number of questions and the test time for each social studies and science inquiry subject in the 2028 College Scholastic Ability Test, which will be implemented as an integrated test without elective subjects, have been confirmed to be 25 questions and 40 minutes each.
The integrated social studies and science score will be changed from the existing 2 and 3 points to 1.5, 2, and 2.5 points.
On the 20th, the Ministry of Education and the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation announced the 2028 CSAT test and score system with these contents.
The 2028 CSAT will be implemented as an integrated and convergent test, with the elective subjects of Korean, mathematics, and inquiry eliminated. In particular, the inquiry area has changed from the method of taking up to 2 out of a total of 17 social studies and science subjects (9 social studies and 8 science) to considering common social studies and common science as mandatory.
Common Social Studies and Science, which will be introduced from the 2028 school year, will have 25 questions and 40 minutes per subject. The number of questions and the time will increase by 5 and 10 minutes, respectively, from the previous 20 questions and 30 minutes.
Applicants must take both Integrated Social Studies and Integrated Science, and the answer sheets for the two subjects will be operated separately, and the scores will be calculated separately.
The score distribution for each question has been subdivided from the previous 2 and 3 points to 1.5, 2, and 2.5 points.
An official from the Ministry of Education explained the reason as, "We focused on presenting questions with diverse materials and difficulty levels."
Between the social studies and science exam times, 15 minutes (based on general test takers) will be given to collect and distribute the test papers and answer sheets.
Among the exploration areas, career exploration will only present 'Successful Career Life' without any elective subjects. The number of questions, test time, and score distribution for each question are the same as Integrated Social Studies and Science.
The second foreign language and Chinese language sections will be reduced from 30 questions and 40 minutes to 20 questions and 30 minutes starting from the 2028 school year. The score for each question will be 2 and 3 points.
The number of questions and the test time for the Korean and Math sections will remain the same even if the elective subjects are abolished.
The Korean language subjects are speaking and language/reading and writing/literature, and the number of questions and the test time will be 45 questions and 80 minutes.
The math subjects are algebra/calculus/probability and statistics, and the number of questions and the test time will be 30 questions (including 9 short answer questions) and 100 minutes.
The English section will remain unchanged at 45 questions (including 17 listening questions) and 70 minutes. The required Korean history subject will also remain the same at 20 questions and 30 minutes.
The order of the exam is the same as before: 1st period Korean, 2nd period Math, 3rd period English, 4th period Korean History/Exploration, 5th period Second Foreign Language/Chinese Characters.
1st period starts at 8:40 AM and the last period, 5th period, ends at 6:05 PM. Compared to the current system, the total exam time is 20 minutes longer.
The biggest change is the way the 4th period Exploration area exam is conducted. After the required Korean history exam for 30 minutes, there is 15 minutes to collect Korean history questionnaires and distribute social studies/career exploration questionnaires.
Then, there is a 40-minute social studies or career exploration exam, and another 15 minutes to collect social studies/career exploration questionnaires and distribute science exploration questionnaires.
After that, the 40-minute science exploration exam is taken, and all 4 periods are over.
The method of providing grades is the same as before, with standard scores, percentiles, and grades listed for Korean, Math, and Exploration subjects. Only grades are listed for Korean history, English, second foreign language, and Chinese characters, and the grades are divided into nine grades.
The Ministry of Education and the Evaluation Institute plan to develop all the questions for the 2028 Korean, Math, Social Studies, and Exploration subjects and announce them in the first half of the year to help test takers and parents prepare for the CSAT.
Choi Eun-hee, Director of the Human Resources Policy Office, said, "With the introduction of the integrated and convergent CSAT, we expect that all students will be able to take the CSAT under more equal conditions and in a fair manner." She added, "We will work even harder to maintain the public education-centered CSAT policy so that students and parents can prepare for the CSAT without worrying about school classes in the new CSAT system."
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