청도군의회는 지난 12일 의회 본회의장에서 청도군과 인사권 독립의 안정적 추진을 위한 협약을 체결했다고 14일 밝혔다.
주요 협약사항으로 우수인재 균형 배치를 위한 정기․수시 인사교류, 신규채용 임용시험 협조, 교육훈련 및 후생복지 관련 통합 운영 등을 담고 있다.
청도군의회는 지난해 인사권독립 등 지방자치법 전부개정에 맞춰 관련조례와 규칙을 제·개정하고, 인사권 독립에 따른 인사업무 전 분야에 대한 기틀을 마련하기 위해 그동안, 청도군과 긴밀하게 협력해 왔다.
이날 협약식은 김수태 의장, 전종율 부의장, 김태이 운영행정위원장, 김효태 산업경제부위원장과 황영호 청도군수 권한대행, 정재열 행정복지국장, 임형곤 총무과장등이 참석한 가운데 진행됐다.
김수태 의장은 “오늘 청도군과의 성공적인 협약은 지방의회 ‘인사권독립’의 조기정착과 청도군의 각종 현안과 중요 과제들을 슬기롭게 풀어내기 위한 동반자적 협력 관계를 구축하는 중요한 출발이라 생각하며,오늘의 협약으로 얻게 될 성과들이 앞으로 청도군 지방 자치 실현을 위한 든든한 밑거름이 되길 바란다.”고 말했다.
<구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Cheongdo County Council and Cheongdo County signed a business agreement for ‘independence of personnel rights’
The Cheongdo County Council announced on the 14th that it had signed an agreement with Cheongdo County for the stable promotion of the independence of personnel rights at the plenary session of the National Assembly on the 12th.
This agreement was implemented for the successful establishment and efficient operation of the independence of the local council's personnel rights, which took effect on January 13, in accordance with the full revision of the Local Autonomy Act. contains
Major agreements include regular and occasional personnel exchanges for balanced distribution of excellent talent, cooperation in new recruitment examinations, and integrated operation of education and training and welfare.
The Cheongdo County Council has been working closely with Cheongdo County to establish and amend related ordinances and rules in line with the full revision of the Local Autonomy Act, including the independence of personnel rights last year, and to lay the foundation for all areas of personnel affairs following the independence of personnel rights.
The signing ceremony was held with the presence of Chairman Kim Su-tae, Vice Chairman Jeon Jong-yul, Operation and Administration Chairman Kim Tae-yi, Industry and Economy Vice Chairman Kim Hyo-tae, Cheongdo County Acting Governor Hwang Young-ho, Administrative Welfare Director Jeong Jae-yeol, and General Affairs Manager Lim Hyeong-gon in attendance.
Chairman Kim Su-tae said, “Today’s successful agreement with Cheongdo County is an important start for establishing a partnership for early settlement of the ‘independence of personnel rights’ of the local council and for wisely resolving various pending issues and important tasks in Cheongdo County. We hope that the achievements to be achieved will serve as a solid foundation for the realization of local autonomy in Cheongdo-gun.”
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
![]() 브레이크뉴스 대구 본부장입니다. 기사제보: noonbk053@hanmail.net
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