
정예 해병대부사관 400기 139명 임관

박영재 기자 | 기사입력 2023/05/12 [14:50]

정예 해병대부사관 400기 139명 임관

박영재 기자 | 입력 : 2023/05/12 [14:50]

【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=해병대 교육훈련단은 12일 행사연병장에서 해병대 부사관 400기 임관식을 거행했다.


▲ 부사관 400기 임관식  © 해병대

이날 거행된 임관식에는 해병대사령관(해병중장 김계환)과 해병대 교육훈련단장(해병준장 최영길)을 비롯한 부대 주요 지휘관과 가족ㆍ지인 등 700명이 참석해 신임 부사관들을 격려하고 영예로운 임관을 축하했다.


이날 임관식 식전 행사로 KAAV 상륙돌격장갑차, K-9 자주포, K1A2 전차, K-808 차륜형 장갑차, 현궁과 비궁 등 해병대 주요 전력장비 전시와 함께 상륙기동헬기 마린온은 축하 편대비행을 실시했다.


이어 해병대사령부 의장대의 의장시범, 교육훈련 사진전시회도 열렸고, 가족과 훈련 소대장의 영상편지가 상영되어 해병대부사관 400기의 탄생을 축하하고 가족들에게는 해병대 가족으로서의 자긍심을 심어주었다.


▲ 부사관 400기 임관식  © 해병대

올해부터 처음 수여되는 영예의 국방부장관상은 교육훈련 전 분야에서 두각을 나타낸 정채원 하사가 수상했고, 해군참모총장상에는 유영서 하사, 해병대사령관상은 전현준 하사가 수상했다.


‘계급장 수여’에서는 행사 연병장에 도열한 400기 부사관들에게 가족들이 다가가 양쪽 어깨에 직접 계급장을 달아주며 임관의 기쁨을 함께하고 부모님에 대한 감사와 수료한 자녀에 대한 격려를 나눴다.


김계환 해병대사령관은 훈시를 통해 “많은 도전과 어려움을 이겨내면서 경험과 노하우를 축적하여 전투전문가로서 성장하기 바란다.”라며, “여러분의 충정이 호국의 간성으로 영원히 빛날 것임을 기대하며 응원하겠다”라고 강조하면서 새로운 출발을 앞둔 400기 부사관들의 건승을 기원했다. 


<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>


139 elite marine corps noncommissioned officers commissioned in the 400th class


On the 12th, the Marine Corps Education and Training Corps held an inauguration ceremony for the 400th Marine Corps noncommissioned officer at the parade ground.


The commissioning ceremony held on this day was attended by 700 people, including the Marine Corps Commander (Marine Corps Lieutenant General Kim Gye-hwan) and the Marine Corps Education and Training Center (Marine Brigadier General Choi Young-gil), as well as family members and acquaintances.


On this day, the main power equipment of the Marine Corps, such as the KAAV amphibious assault vehicle, K-9 self-propelled artillery, K1A2 tank, K-808 wheeled armored vehicle, Hyeongung and Secret Palace, was exhibited, and the amphibious mobile helicopter Marineon flew in formation to celebrate.


Following this, a demonstration of the honor guard of the Marine Corps Command and an educational training photo exhibition were held, and a video letter from the family and training platoon leader was screened to celebrate the birth of the 400th Marine Corps NCO and to instill pride in the family as a Marine Corps family.


The event proceeded in the order of salute to the national flag, conferment of certificates and commissioned commanders, conferment of rank insignia, oath of commission, pride of Marines and Marine Corps singing.


  The Minister of National Defense Award, which is honored for the first time this year, was awarded to Staff Sergeant Chae-won Jeong, who distinguished himself in all areas of education and training, and the Chief of Navy Chief of Staff Award was awarded to Sergeant Yoo Young-seo, and the Marine Corps Commander’s Award to Sergeant Jeon Hyeon-joon.


In the ‘Conferment of Rank Badges’ family members approached the 400th noncommissioned officers lined up at the event parade and attached rank badges directly to both shoulders, sharing the joy of being commissioned, thanking their parents, and encouraging their children who had completed the course.


  Commander of the Marine Corps Kim Gye-hwan said in his instruction, “I hope you will grow as a combat expert by overcoming many challenges and difficulties while accumulating experience and know-how.” While doing so, he prayed for the health of the 400th noncommissioned officers ahead of a new start.

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