【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=해병대 제1사단 임성근 제43대사단장의 이임식과 주일석 제44대 사단장의 취임식이 지난 8일 사단 전투연병장에서 진행됐다.
제44대 해병대 제1사단장으로 취임한 주일석 장군(소장)은 해사 46기로 서북도서방위사령부 참모장, 해병대 제6여단장,해병대사 전력기획실장, 해병대 부사령관, 합참 전비태세검열실장 등 전투부대 지휘관과 합참, 해병대사령부에서 작전 및 기획 분야의 주요 보직을 두루 역임했다.
김계환 해병대 사령관은 훈시를 통해 “해병대 1사단은 대한민국 유일의 상륙작전 전담부대로서 언제ㆍ어디서ㆍ어떠한 위협에도 국가와 국민의 부름에 즉각 출동할 수 있는 태세와 능력을 갖출 것”을 강조하며 “해병대의전통과 명예를 지키며 가장 군대다운 군대, 군인다운 군인으로서 국민에게 신뢰받을수있도록 본연의 임무수행에 매진해야 한다”라고 당부했다.
주일석 장군은 취임사에서 “확고한 작전대비태세를 완비하고, 실전적 교육훈련을 통해 전투임무 위주의 전투프로를 육성할 것”이며“사람 중심의 조직문화를 조성하고, 국민과 함께하는 임무완수 정예사단을 만들어낼 것”을 강조했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Held the transfer and inauguration ceremony for the 1st Marine Division commander
The resignation ceremony of the 43rd Division Commander Lim Seong-geun of the 1st Marine Corps Division and the inauguration ceremony of the 44th Division Commander Joo Il-seok were held at the division combat parade ground on the 8th.
The inauguration ceremony, hosted by Marine Corps Commander Kim Gye-hwan, was attended by about 200 people from all walks of life, including Pohang Mayor Lee Kang-deok, Pohang City Council Chairman, Pohang South and North Police Chiefs, Pohang South and North Fire Chiefs, and Coast Guard Chief.
General Joo Il-seok (Major General), who was inaugurated as the 44th Commander of the 1st Marine Division, served as the 46th Marine Corps commander of combat units, including the Chief of Staff of the Northwestern Island Defense Command, the 6th Marine Brigade Commander, the Marine Corps Forces Planning Office Director, the Marine Corps Deputy Commandant, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff War Force Posture Inspection Office. He served in key positions in operations and planning at the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Marine Corps Command.
In his instruction, Commander Kim Gye-hwan of the Marine Corps emphasized, “As the only unit dedicated to amphibious operations in Korea, the 1st Marine Division will be equipped with the readiness and ability to respond immediately to the call of the nation and its people anytime, anywhere, and under any threat.” “We must preserve our traditions and honor and strive to carry out our duties so that we can be trusted by the people as the most military-like army and soldier-like soldier,” he urged.
In his inauguration speech, General Joo Il-seok said, “We will prepare a solid operational readiness posture and foster combat professionals focused on combat missions through practical education and training,” and “We will create a people-centered organizational culture and create an elite division that can complete missions with the people.” He emphasized, “We will create.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>