【브레이크뉴스 울진】이우근 기자=울진군의회(의장 임승필)는 20일 개회를 시작으로 오는 12월 20일까지 제272회 울진군의회 제2차 정례회에 돌입했다.
이어 김복남 의원이 발의한 ‘울진군 걷는 길 조성 및 운영에 관한 조례안’, 안순자 의원이 대표발의한 ‘울진군 주민조례발안에 관한 조례 전부개정조례안’을 비롯하여 2024년도 예산안 등 총 16건의 안건을 상정하였다.
또 11월 21일부터 29일까지 9일간 행정사무감사특별위원회를 열어 2023년도 군정 전반에 대한 행정사무감사를 실시하고, 12월 1일부터 8일까지 8일간 예산결산특별위원회를 열어 6천 200억 원 규모의 2024년도 예산안을 심의할 예정이다.
임승필 의장은 개회사에서 “2023년도 행정사무에 대한 감사와 내년도 예산안을 다루는 가장 중요한 회기인 만큼 각종 사업들이 원활하게 추진되었는지, 또 소중한 세금이 군의 재정 현실에 맞게 잘 쓰여질 것인지 검증하여 군민이 신뢰하는 군의회가 되도록 더욱 노력하겠다.” 고 말했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Uljin County Council opens the 272nd 2nd regular session
Uljin County Council (Chairman Lim Seung-pil) began the 272nd Uljin County Council's 2nd regular session starting on the 20th and continuing until December 20th.
On the 20th, Rep. Hwang Hyeon-cheol gave a 5-minute free speech and proposed manualizing the main tasks of each department to prevent delays in receiving civil complaints and introducing a program to convert administrative phone calls into text messages, and proposed the introduction of a program to convert administrative phone calls into text messages in order to prevent delays in receiving civil complaints. They requested the executive branch to expand staff residences to ensure that low-level civil servants do not have any inconveniences in settling down and working in the region.
Next, a total of 16 agenda items were submitted, including the 'Ordinance on the Creation and Operation of Walking Paths in Uljin-gun' proposed by Rep. Bok-nam Kim, the 'Ordinance on Full Revision of Ordinances on the Proposal of Uljin-gun Resident Ordinance' proposed by Rep. Soon-ja Ahn, and the 2024 budget. .
In addition, the Administrative Affairs Audit Special Committee was held for 9 days from November 21st to 29th to conduct an administrative audit of the entire military government in 2023, and the Budget Settlement Special Committee was held for 8 days from December 1st to 8th to raise 6,200 The 2024 budget plan worth billions of won is scheduled to be reviewed.
In his opening remarks, Chairman Lim Seung-pil said, “As this is the most important session that deals with the audit of administrative affairs for 2023 and the budget plan for next year, it is necessary to verify whether various projects have been carried out smoothly and whether precious taxes will be well spent in accordance with the county’s financial reality. “I will work harder to become a county council.” He said. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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