【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=해병대 제1사단은 지난 11월 17일부터 22일까지 포항 인근 해상 및 육상훈련장에서합동상륙작전 수행능력 향상을 위한 여단급 합동상륙작전을 실시하고 있다고 21일 밝혔다.
출전 신고를 시작으로 병력과 장비의 탑재, 함안이동, 공중 및해상돌격의 결정적 행동, 육상작전 전환 후 지상작전사령부와의 연결작전까지일련의 상륙작전 절차대로 진행됐다.
특히 21일 상륙작전의 하이라이트인 결정적 행동 단계에서는 상륙함, 수송기,헬기, 상륙돌격장갑차(KAAV), 공기부양정(LSF)에 탑승한 해병대 상륙군이 해군 함정의 함포지원과 공군 전투임무기, 육군 공격헬기의 엄호지원을 받으며상륙목표해안에 성공적으로 상륙했다.
한편 해병대 제1사단은 이번 훈련성과를 바탕으로 강하고 실전적인 교육훈련을지속 실시하여 상륙작전 계획수립 절차와 합동전력 운용 절차를 발전시켜 나갈 예정이다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Marine Corps 1st Division conducts joint defense landing training
The 1st Marine Division announced on the 21st that it was conducting a brigade-level joint landing operation to improve joint landing operation capabilities at the maritime and land training center near Pohang from November 17th to 22nd.
In this training, about 3,400 Marine Corps troops, 30 Korean amphibious assault vehicles (KAAV), 10 naval ships including the large transport ship Marado (LPH) and destroyer Chungmugong Yi Sun-sin (DDH-II), and landing ships, and Marine On landing. A three-dimensional force of about 30 aircraft, including mobile helicopters, participated, enhancing jointness.
A series of landing operation procedures were carried out, starting with reporting for deployment, loading troops and equipment, moving to Haman, decisive actions of air and sea assault, and transitioning to land operations, followed by connection operations with the ground operations command.
In particular, in the decisive action phase, which is the highlight of the landing operation on the 21st, the Marine Corps landing force aboard amphibious ships, transport aircraft, helicopters, amphibious assault vehicles (KAAV), and air flotation craft (LSF) supported naval gunfire from naval ships, air force combat missions, and army attacks. Successfully landed on the landing target beach with helicopter cover support.
“Through this training, we were able to improve our ability to carry out joint landing operations and foster pride as Marines,” said Yoo Chang-hoon (Colonel), commander of the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Marine Division, the commander of the landing force. “Based on the training results, we can instill fear in the enemy and instill fear in the public.” “We will have a perfect combat readiness posture that can be trusted,” he said.
Meanwhile, based on the results of this training, the 1st Marine Division plans to continue conducting strong and practical education and training to develop landing operation planning procedures and joint force operation procedures. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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