【브레이크뉴스 울진】이우근 기자=한국수력원자력(주) 한울원자력본부(본부장 이세용, 이하 한울본부)는 지난 5일 한국원자력마이스터고등학교(교장 송만영) 제54회 졸업식에 참석해 ‘한울본부 우수졸업생’ 표창장과 장학금을 전달했다고 8일 밝혔다.
표창대상자는 총 55명이며 한울본부장 표창장과 함께 장학금 총 2천 320만 원을 학교에 전달할 예정이다. 장학금은 초등학생 20만 원, 중학생 50만 원, 고등학생 100만 원이 수여될 것이다.
송만영 교장은 “한울본부의 지역인재 육성에 대한 많은 관심과 지원에 감사드린다” 라며 “사회로 첫 출발에 나서는 졸업생들에게 도전과 희망의 메시지를 전달해주셔서 학생들에게는 큰 귀감이 될 것” 이라고 감사 인사를 남겼다.
이세용 본부장은 “이번 54회 졸업생들의 졸업을 진심으로 축하하며, 훌륭한 사회구성원으로 성장하기를 응원하겠다” 라고 격려의 말을 전했다.
한울본부는 우수졸업생 장학금 지원 외에도 체육특기생 장학금 지원 등 울진군 학생들의 사기진작과 미래인재 성장에 도움이 되는 사업을 지속적으로 시행해나갈 것이다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Hanul Headquarters delivers scholarships to local talents
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.'s Hanul Nuclear Power Division (Director Lee Se-yong, hereinafter referred to as Hanul Division) announced on the 8th that it attended the 54th graduation ceremony of Korea Nuclear Power Meister High School (Principal Song Man-young) on the 5th and presented a commendation and scholarship to the 'Hanul Division Outstanding Graduate'. .
Hanul Headquarters is implementing the ‘Uljin-gun Elementary, Middle, and High School Outstanding Graduates Recognition and Scholarship’ project to encourage Uljin-gun students’ desire to learn and contribute to the development of talent. Recipients of the award are recommended by the school principal and selected as students who have excellent academic performance and a conscientious attitude toward learning that serve as a role model for others.
A total of 55 people are eligible for recognition, and a total of 23.2 million won in scholarships will be delivered to the school along with a commendation from the Hanul Headquarters Director. Scholarships worth 200,000 won will be awarded to elementary school students, 500,000 won to middle school students, and 1 million won to high school students.
Principal Song Man-young said, “I am grateful for the Hanul Headquarters’ interest and support in nurturing local talent.” He added, “He will serve as a great example to students by delivering a message of challenge and hope to graduates who are making their first start in society.” left behind
Director Lee Se-yong gave words of encouragement, saying, “I sincerely congratulate the 54th graduates on their graduation, and I will support them to grow into excellent members of society.”
In addition to supporting scholarships for outstanding graduates, Hanul Headquarters will continue to implement projects that will help boost the morale of Uljin-gun students and develop future talent, such as supporting scholarships for students with special abilities in sports. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
![]() 기사제보:lwk132@naver.com
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