【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=2024년도 상반기 IP(지식재산)나래 프로그램 수혜기업인 (주)시그널케어(양동섭 대표)가 최근 경북테크노파크 시행 ‘2024 경북 청년창업 JUMP-UP 지원사업’의 참여기업으로 선정됐다.
(주)시그널케어는 2024년도 상반기 IP나래 수혜기업으로 폐기되거나버려지는 상품가치가 없는 동․식물 부산물에 기업이 보유한 복합미생물 유산균 발효기술을 적용해서 식량문제와 환경문제를 해결하는 기술기반 글로벌 그린 바이오 선도기업이다.
경북지식재산센터는 IP(지식재산)나래 프로그램을 통해 식용곤충 유래 근력개선용 펩타이드(BCAA)를 활용한 반려동물용 분말사료 기술개발에 관한 전반적인 지식재산권 분석을 진행하고 있으며, 육류 알러지가 있는 반려동물 급여용 곤충 단백질 활용 사료 제조기술을 비롯하여, 천연비타민B 성분 기반의 반려동물 근력강화 관련 기술개발에 관한 폭넓은 IP기술 및 경영 컨설팅을 진행하고 있다.
(주)시그널케어는 기업이 보유한 곤충 단백질 활용 사료 제조기술을비롯하여 복합미생물 유산균 발효기술 등에 관한 경쟁 우위적인 기술력을인정받아 ‘2024 경북 청년창업 JUMP_UP 지원사업’ 참여기업으로 선정되었고, 시제품제작, 제품고급화, 기술이전, 인증·시험분석 등, 기술창업 부문에서 활용가능한 약 2천만원 상당의 사업자금을 확보하게 되었다.
시그널케어 양동섭 대표는 ‘2024 경북 청년창업 JUMP_UP 지원사업 선정을 통해서 스마트팜을 통하여 길러낸 곤충을 활용하여 기호도가 높은바이오 펫사료를 개발함으로써 기술력 발전을 도모하고 있으며, 향후 경북지역 곤충 산업과 연계되는 제품 브랜딩을 통해서 국내 시장 뿐만 아니라해외시장까지 진출할 계획’이라고 밝혔다.
경북센터 관계자는"시그널케어는 현재 경북 청도군 풍각농공단지 2공장확장을 통해 복합 미생물 발효시설을 비롯하여 수산 및 축산사료까지전문적인 제조시설을 구축하고 있는 만큼 글로벌 K-PET 시장을 겨냥하는 펫푸드를 비롯하여 수산사료, 가축용 사료, 대체 단백질 식품 등다양한 분야의 성장가능성이 기대되며, 금번 IP(지식재산)나래 프로그램 추진을 통해 기업의 성장동력을 창출할 수 있도록 면밀한 컨설팅을 지원할 것"이라고 밝혔다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Signal Care Co., Ltd., selected as a participating company in the Gyeongbuk Youth Startup JUMP-UP Support Project
Signal Care Co., Ltd. (CEO Yang Dong-seop), a beneficiary of the IP (intellectual property) Narae program in the first half of 2024, was recently selected as a participating company in the ‘2024 Gyeongbuk Youth Startup JUMP-UP Support Project’ implemented by Gyeongbuk Techno Park.
According to the Gyeongbuk Intellectual Property Center of the Pohang Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chairman Na Joo-young), the IP (Intellectual Property) Narae Program is a support project hosted by the Korean Intellectual Property Office and Gyeongsangbuk-do, which derives exclusive rights to core technologies owned by beneficiary companies and establishes intellectual property-based management strategies. The purpose is to grow into a technology-based small and medium-sized business capable of sustainable growth.
Signal Care Co., Ltd., an IP Narae beneficiary company in the first half of 2024, is a technology-based global green company that solves food and environmental problems by applying the company's complex microbial lactic acid fermentation technology to discarded or discarded animal and plant by-products with no commercial value. It is a leading bio company.
Gyeongbuk Intellectual Property Center is conducting an overall intellectual property analysis on the development of powdered pet food technology using edible insect-derived muscle strength-improving peptide (BCAA) through the IP (Intellectual Property) Narae program, and is conducting an overall intellectual property analysis for pets allergic to meat. We are conducting a wide range of IP technology and management consulting on the development of technology related to strengthening the muscle strength of companion animals based on natural vitamin B ingredients, including feed manufacturing technology using insect protein for animal feeding.
Signal Care Co., Ltd. was selected as a participating company in the '2024 Gyeongbuk Youth Startup JUMP_UP Support Project' in recognition of its competitive technological capabilities in the company's insect protein feed manufacturing technology as well as complex microbial lactic acid bacteria fermentation technology, etc., and was selected as a participating company in the production of prototypes and products. We have secured approximately 20 million won worth of business funds that can be utilized in the technology start-up sector, including advancement, technology transfer, certification, and test analysis.
Signal Care CEO Yang Dong-seop is seeking technological advancement by developing highly popular bio pet food using insects raised through smart farms through the selection of the 2024 Gyeongbuk Youth Entrepreneurship JUMP_UP Support Project, and will develop products that will be linked to the insect industry in the Gyeongbuk region in the future. “Through branding, we plan to enter not only the domestic market but also overseas markets,” he said.
An official at the Gyeongbuk Center said, "Signal Care is currently building a specialized manufacturing facility for marine and livestock feed as well as complex microbial fermentation facilities through the expansion of Factory 2 in the Punggak Agricultural and Industrial Complex in Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and is planning to produce pet food targeting the global K-PET market. “We expect growth potential in various fields such as fish feed, livestock feed, and alternative protein food, and we will provide in-depth consulting support to create growth engines for the company through this IP (intellectual property) Narae program.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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