【브레이크뉴스 울진】이우근 기자=울진군의회(의장 김정희)는 지난 15일 제277회 임시회 제1차 본회의를 개회했다고 밝혔다.
예산결산특별위원회 위원장으로 황현철 의원, 간사는 박영길 의원, 행정사무감사특별위원회 위원장으로 김복남 의원, 간사는 임동인 의원, 울진군원전관련특별위원회 위원장으로는 박영길 의원, 간사는 황현철 의원, 윤리특별위원회 위원장은 장유덕 의원, 간사에는 박영길 의원으로 선출했다.
김정희 의장은 후반기 첫 임시회 개회에서“늘 군민의 목소리에 경청하고 울진군 발전과 군민의 행복을 위해 앞장서겠다.”라면서, “후반기 울진군의회의정활동에많은 관심과 격려를 부탁드린다”고 말했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Uljin County Council opens the 277th extraordinary session
Uljin County Council (Chairman Kim Jeong-hee) announced that it opened the first plenary session of the 277th extraordinary session on the 15th.
At the plenary session on this day, the chairs and secretaries of the Special Committee on Budget and Settlement, the Special Committee on Administrative Affairs and Audit, the Uljin-gun Nuclear Power Plant-related Special Committee, and the Special Ethics Committee were appointed and appointed, and six cases, including the 'Ordinance Bill on the Protection and Support of Persons in Charge of Handling Uljin-gun Civil Complaints,' were reviewed. It was decided.
Representative Hwang Hyeon-cheol is the chairman of the Budget and Settlement Special Committee, and the secretary is Representative Park Young-gil. Representative Kim Bok-nam was elected as the chairman of the Administrative Affairs Audit Special Committee, Representative Lim Dong-in as the secretary, Representative Park Young-gil as the chairman of the Uljin-gun Nuclear Power Plant Related Special Committee, Representative Hwang Hyeon-cheol as the secretary, Representative Jang Yu-deok as the chairman of the Special Ethics Committee, and Representative Park Young-gil as the secretary.
At the opening of the first special session of the second half of the year, Chairman Kim Jeong-hee said, “I will always listen to the voices of the residents and take the lead for the development of Uljin-gun and the happiness of the residents.” He added, “We ask for your interest and encouragement in the legislative activities of the Uljin County Council in the second half of the year.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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