경북도-국힘 예산정책협의회...국비 12조원 달성 목표이철우,“주요현안 국비 사업은 일자리, 복지등 삶과 직결되는 문제”【브레이크뉴스 경북】이성현 기자=경상북도는 24일 국회 본관에서‘국민의힘-대구‧경북 예산정책협의회’개최하고 2025년 국가투자예산 확보방안과 지역발전을 위한 정책현안에 대한 대응 전략을 설명하고 지원방안을 협의했다고 밝혔다.
김학홍 경북도 행정부지사는 주요 현안사업을 설명하면서 “민선 8기 전반기에 특화단지, 국가산단 등 전국 최대 정책특구 지정을 비롯한 최근 경북도의 최대 성과는 공직자들이 발로 뛰고 지역 국회의원들이 함께하며 직접 챙겨준 덕분”이라며 “2025년에는 역대 최대이자 최초로 국비 12조원 돌파를 위해 경북도와 국회가 원팀이 되어 계속 힘을 실어 달라”고 요청했다.
이어서 경북도는 주요 정책과 국비 현안으로 APEC 특별법 국회 통과 및 국비지원, 저출생과 전쟁 상황과 정책현안, 국가 첨단전략산업 선도프로젝트, 농업대전환과 산림・해양 혁신사업, 경북 광역 SOC 조기 구축과 기타 주요현안 사업을 건의하고 협력과 지원을 요청했다.
먼저 APEC 경주와 관련해 역대 가장 성공적인 정상회의가 될 수 있도록 특별법 국회 통과와 APEC 기념공원 및 기념관 건립, 숙박 시설 정비, 도로 및 도시 경관 개선 등 관련 사업 12건 2,035억원을 건의했다.
경북도가 역점적으로 추진하는 저출생과 전쟁 상황과 현안 사업으로는 기존 정책과 제도에 구애받지 않고 저출생 대책 사업을 현장에서 신속히 집행하고 돌봄 전주기를 대응할 수 있는 융합돌봄특구 지정을 건의했다.
또 산업단지 돌봄중점형 복합문화센터(390억원), 산부인과・소아과 ‘One-hour 진료 체계’구축(961억원) 등 저출생 극복 선도모델에 관심과 지원을 요청했다.
농업대전환과 산림・해양 혁신과 관련해서는 중앙정부와 대통령으로부터 호평을 받은 혁신농업타운 사업을 설명하며 경북의 농업대전환 성공사례를 전국으로 확산하고 산림, 해양 분야에서도 성공의 DNA를 이어갈 수 있도록, 농업혁신 과수 산지유통센터(300억원), 산림 미래혁신센터(140억원), 심해 해양바이오뱅크(331억원) 등의 사업을 건의했다.
국비 예산의 많은 부분을 차지하는 도로, 철도 등 SOC사업 협의도 중점적으로 이어졌다. 전국 광역권을 촘촘히 연결하기 위한 김천~거제 남부내륙철도, 문경~점촌~상주~김천 철도, 중부권 동서횡단철도, 서대구~의성 간 대구·경북 광역철도, 칠곡~군위 간 중앙고속도로 등 SOC의 신속한 구축을 통해 국민의 이동권 보장과 국토 균형발전의 필요성을 설명했다.
이철우 도지사는 “오늘 건의한 주요현안과 국비 사업들은 일자리, 복지 등 도민의 삶과 직결되는 문제다”며, “정부가 단계적 재정적자 축소를 위한 건전재정 기조인 만큼 국비 확보가 녹록하지 않겠지만 경북도와 국회가 머리를 맞대고 힘을 모은다면 좋은 결실을 거둘 수 있다고 확신한다”고 강조했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Gyeongbuk-do-People Power Party Budget Policy Council Meeting Held...Goal of Achieving the Largest National Budget of 12 Trillion Won Ever
Gyeongsangbuk-do announced on the 24th that it held the 'People Power Party-Daegu-Gyeongbuk Budget Policy Council Meeting' at the National Assembly main building and explained the 2025 national investment budget securing plan and response strategies to policy issues for regional development and discussed support measures.
According to Gyeongbuk-do, Gyeongbuk-do Deputy Governor Kim Hak-hong, as well as key executives from Gyeongbuk-do and Daegu City, attended the council meeting that day, and from the People Power Party, floor leader Choo Kyung-ho, policy committee chairman Kim Sang-hoon, Gyeongbuk-do party chairman Park Hyung-soo, budget and accounts committee secretary Koo Ja-geun, budget and accounts committee members Lim Jong-deuk and Cho Ji-yeon, and Daegu-Gyeongbuk regional National Assembly members attended.
Kim Hak-hong, Deputy Governor of Gyeongsangbuk-do, explained the major pending projects and said, “The recent achievements of Gyeongsangbuk-do, including the designation of the largest policy special zone in the country, including specialized complexes and national industrial complexes in the first half of the 8th local government, were made possible thanks to the hard work of public officials and the participation of local National Assembly members who directly took care of them,” and requested, “In 2025, Gyeongsangbuk-do and the National Assembly should become one team and continue to support each other in order to surpass the national budget of 12 trillion won, the largest and first in history.”
Next, Gyeongsangbuk-do suggested major policies and pending national budget projects, such as the passage of the APEC Special Act and national budget support, low birth rate and war situation and policy issues, national high-tech strategic industry leading projects, agricultural transformation and forestry and marine innovation projects, early establishment of Gyeongsangbuk-do metropolitan SOC, and other major pending projects, and requested cooperation and support.
First, in relation to the APEC race, we proposed the passage of a special law in the National Assembly to make it the most successful summit ever, and 12 related projects worth 203.5 billion won, including the construction of an APEC memorial park and memorial hall, improvement of accommodation facilities, and improvement of roads and urban landscapes.
For the low birth rate and war situation and current issues that Gyeongbuk Province is focusing on, we proposed the designation of a convergence care special zone that can quickly implement low birth rate countermeasures on the ground and respond to the entire care cycle without being constrained by existing policies and systems.
We also requested interest and support for leading models for overcoming low birth rates, such as the industrial complex care-focused complex cultural center (39 billion won) and the establishment of a ‘one-hour treatment system’ for obstetrics and gynecology and pediatrics (96.1 billion won).
Regarding the agricultural transformation and forestry and marine innovation, the Innovation Agricultural Town project, which received favorable reviews from the central government and the president, was explained, and projects such as the Agricultural Innovation Fruit Distribution Center (KRW 30 billion), the Forestry Future Innovation Center (KRW 14 billion), and the Deep Sea Marine Biobank (KRW 33.1 billion) were suggested to spread Gyeongbuk’s successful agricultural transformation case nationwide and continue the DNA of success in the forestry and marine sectors. In addition, projects to lead advanced strategic technologies in quantum technology and artificial intelligence (AI), which are key fields that will determine national competitiveness, were suggested. Many future projects were included to secure a global super gap, such as the Quantum Technology Performance Test Environment Development Project (KRW 49 billion), the AI-generated Digital Content Industry Promotion Support Center (KRW 45 billion), and the DX-based Automobile Parts Innovation Support (KRW 35 billion).
Discussions on SOC projects such as roads and railways, which account for a large portion of the national budget, were also focused on. He explained the necessity of guaranteeing the people’s right to move and balanced national development through the rapid construction of SOCs such as the Gimcheon-Geoje Southern Inland Railway, the Mungyeong-Jeomchon-Sangju-Gimcheon Railway, the Central Region East-West Cross-Country Railway, the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Metropolitan Railway between Seodaegu and Uiseong, and the Central Expressway between Chilgok and Gunwi to tightly connect the metropolitan areas of the country. Governor Lee Cheol-woo emphasized, “The major pending issues and national budget projects suggested today are issues directly related to the lives of the people of the province, such as jobs and welfare,” and “Since the government is pursuing a sound fiscal policy to gradually reduce the fiscal deficit, securing national funds will not be easy, but I am confident that if Gyeongbuk Province and the National Assembly put their heads together and join forces, we can achieve good results.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
브레이크뉴스 대구 본부장입니다. 기사제보: noonbk053@hanmail.net
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