【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=포스코그룹이 그룹사 전 임원이 참석해 초일류 혁신기업 도약을 위한 전략을 논의하는 〈2024 포스코포럼〉을 1일,2일 양일간 송도 포스코 글로벌R&D센터에서 개최했다.
이차전지소재 관련은 김광주 SNE리서치 대표이사가 ‘이차전지소재산업 생태계 변화와 Chasm돌파 전략’을 발표한다. 중국 배터리 업계의 기술혁신과 한국 배터리 업계의 현주소를 진단하고 전기차 캐즘의 양상 및 산업 생태계 영향과 변화 및 소재 업체의 대응 방향에 대해 논의했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Chairman Jang In-hwa, “We can’t overcome the crisis without innovation… We need to reexamine our capabilities and resources to create business opportunities”
POSCO Group will hold the <2024 POSCO Forum> for two days starting on the 1st at the POSCO Global R&D Center in Songdo, where all executives from the group will attend to discuss strategies for becoming a world-class innovative company.
The theme of this year’s POSCO Forum, which is in its 6th year, is ‘Overcoming the crisis and innovation toward the future.’ Around 100 people, including Chairman Jang In-hwa, key executives from the group, and outside directors from major group companies, will gather together to diagnose the rapidly changing geopolitical and industrial structure paradigm shifts, listen to the opinions of external experts, discuss and communicate to overcome the crisis the group is facing and realize the new management vision of <Materials that open the future, innovation toward the world-class>.
The POSCO Forum will be divided into three sessions for two days: ▲Crisis Breakthrough and Innovation Leading the Future (Common Session), ▲Breakthrough & Future (Business Session), and ▲Innovation of POSCO’s Corporate Culture (Corporate Culture Session). Each session will be held in the form of lectures by external experts and discussions with participants. In addition, group executives and employees can watch the event in real time online, allowing all group members to share a common ground on the group’s growth strategy and direction.
Chairman Jang In-hwa said, “We need to analyze ourselves more objectively and innovate in order to survive and grow, so we should always have a sense of crisis that the group may falter if we do not innovate, and we should establish a strategy to prepare for the future by looking at crises and opportunities in a balanced way.” He emphasized, “Business innovation can increase the possibility of success through reinterpretation and restructuring of existing business models, so we should objectively examine the group’s capabilities and resources.” He also urged, “We should gain the trust of internal and external stakeholders through meticulous consideration and communication, and form an open consensus among all members on innovation toward the future through sincere communication with employees.”
In the keynote speech, Mark Leonard, co-founder and executive director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, will present ‘The Future of Geopolitics and Response Strategies for Survival’, providing an objective analysis of the US-China hegemony competition, the US presidential election, the Russo-Russian War, and the Middle East conflict, and forecasting the global economic and industrial impacts and discussing implications for companies.
In the steel sector of the business session, Nikkei Business Deputy Editor-in-Chief Yoshifumi Uesaka will present ‘The Secret of Japanese Corporate Revival and POSCO in the Light of NSC (Nippon Steel) Innovation’, analyzing the process and success factors of NSC (Nippon Steel), which had been suffering from large deficits, regaining its competitiveness, and derive implications for POSCO together with the panelists and attendees. Regarding secondary battery materials, SNE Research CEO Kim Gwang-ju will present ‘Changes in the Secondary Battery Materials Industry Ecosystem and Chasm Breakthrough Strategies’. We diagnose the technological innovation of the Chinese battery industry and the current status of the Korean battery industry, and discuss the aspects of the electric vehicle chasm, the impact and changes in the industrial ecosystem, and the response direction of material companies.
In the corporate culture session, through the ‘Talk to POSCO’ time, external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and local communities listen to the expectations and areas for improvement regarding the future strategy and social role of the POSCO Group without any reservations. In addition, during the ‘Listen to POSCO’ time, employees of the group suggest opinions for realizing the new management vision, discuss them on-site, and form a consensus on the environment, business strategy, and organizational culture innovation that the group is currently facing.
In April of this year, POSCO Group confirmed seven future innovation tasks to leap forward as a trustworthy first-class company and is focusing on enhancing corporate value. In particular, the POSCO Group has recently been achieving results in strengthening the core competitiveness of the steel and secondary battery material industries across the group, including the supply of dedicated steel for the world's first European Hyperloop Center test route, POSCO International's $40 million investment in developing a Tanzanian graphite mine, and POSCO FutureM's signing of a KRW 1.8 trillion contract to supply high-nickel cathode materials for electric vehicles. In addition, the group has finalized and is quickly implementing a restructuring plan for 120 areas by 2026, including those that do not align with its strategy, low-profit businesses, and unused assets. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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