【브레이크뉴스 울진】이우근 기자=한국수력원자력(주) 한울원자력본부(본부장 이세용, 이하 한울본부)는 11월 11일부터 13일까지 스리랑카 콜롬보에서 열린 2024 ICQCC(International Convention on Quality Control Circle) 국제품질분임조경진대회에서 최고상인‘금상’을 수상했다고 14일 밝혔다.
한상민 차장은“한국수력원자력의 이미지 제고와 품질혁신을 목표로 철저하게 준비하여 참여했고, 앞으로도 K-원전의 긍정적 이미지 제고를 위해 개선 사항을 발굴하여 대회 참여에 도전할 것이다”라고 각오를 밝혔다.
이세용 본부장은 “준비시간이 부족했음에도 최고상인‘금상’을 수상하여 무척 자랑스럽고, 회사의 위상과 K-원전의 우수성을 알릴 수 있는 기회가 되어 영광스럽다”라며“앞으로도 지속적인 품질 개선 프로세스를 구축할 수 있는 기업 문화 확립에 최선을 다하겠다”라고 말했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Hanul Headquarters Wins ‘Gold Prize’ at International Quality Circle Competition
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. Hanul Nuclear Power Headquarters (CEO Lee Se-yong, hereinafter referred to as Hanul Headquarters) announced on the 14th that it won the ‘Gold Prize,’ the highest prize, at the 2024 ICQCC (International Convention on Quality Control Circle) International Quality Circle Competition held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from November 11th to 13th.
According to Hanul Headquarters, 900 circles and a total of 1,900 people from 13 countries around the world participated in this competition, and Hanul Headquarters External Cooperation Office Deputy Director Han Sang-min participated with the theme of ‘Reducing Work Hours by Improving the Maintenance Process of Environmental Radiation Monitoring Facilities’ and won the award.
Deputy Director Han Sang-min expressed his determination, saying, “We thoroughly prepared to participate with the goal of enhancing the image of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power and innovating quality, and we will continue to challenge ourselves to participate in the competition by discovering areas for improvement in order to enhance the positive image of K-nuclear power plants.”
CEO Lee Se-yong said, “I am very proud to have won the ‘Gold Prize,’ the highest award, despite the limited preparation time, and I am honored that this was an opportunity to promote the status of our company and the excellence of K-NPT.” He added, “We will continue to do our best to establish a corporate culture that can build a continuous quality improvement process.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
![]() 기사제보:lwk132@naver.com
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