【브레이크뉴스 경북】이성현 기자=경북도는 29일 KBS 대구방송총국 대회의실에서 경북도, 대구‧경북교육청, 민간 주도 저출생 극복 대구‧경북 추진본부와 저출생 극복을 위한 업무협약을 체결했다고 밝혔다.
협약을 통해 ▴저출생 극복 및 인식개선 사업 공동 기획‧추진 ▴경북도 ‘아이들 덕분에 행복한 경북’ 과 대구시교육청 ‘가족을 이루다 미래를 잇다’, 민간 추진본부 ‘우리 아이 우리 미래’ 브랜드 연계 홍보 ▴‘아이 천국’ 등 저출생 극복 특집 프로그램 협력 ▴온 국민이 함께하는 만 원 이상 기부 운동 홍보 ▴기타 저출생 극복 협력사업 추진 등에 협력하기로 했다.
저출생 극복은 국민 참여와 인식개선이 중요한데, 민간의 참여로 지자체와 교육청이 추진하는 저출생 정책이 더욱 추진 동력을 얻을 것으로 보인다.
특히, 기업 현장에 중요한 일‧생활 균형 정책과 학생들에게 필요한 저출생 위기 인식 확산 교육, 여성계와 함께하는 양성평등 사업 등이 탄력을 받을 것으로 기대된다.
이철우 도지사는 “경북에서 쏘아올린 저출생과 전쟁이 인구 국가비상사태로 확전되고 정부, 지자체, 기업 등 모든 기관‧단체에서 역량을 집중하고 있다. 내년에는 수도권 집중완화와 지방 권한 강화 등 저출생의 구조적인 문제 해결에 총력을 기울여야 한다”며 “국가적 난제인 저출생 극복에 대구와 경북 민관이 공동 대응해, T·K가 힘을 합치면 어떤 어려운 문제도 해결할 수 있다는 것을 보여주자”라고 강조했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Daegu and Gyeongbuk join hands to overcome low birth rate
On the 29th, Gyeongbuk Province announced that it signed a business agreement with Gyeongbuk Province, Daegu and Gyeongbuk Office of Education, and the Daegu and Gyeongbuk Private Sector-led Low Birth Rate Promotion Headquarters in the conference room of KBS Daegu Broadcasting Station.
The signing ceremony was attended by Gyeongbuk Governor Lee Cheol-woo, Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education Superintendent Kang Eun-hee, Gyeongbuk Superintendent of Education Lim Jong-sik, Daegu Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Park Yoon-kyung, Gyeongbuk Chamber of Commerce and Industry Council President Yoon Jae-ho, DGB Financial Group Chairman Hwang Byeong-woo, Daegu and Gyeongbuk University Education Council President Seong Han-ki, Catholic Archdiocese of Daegu Office Director Park Kang-hee, Daegu Women's Association President Han Myeong-ah, Gyeongbuk Women's Association President Lee Bok-seon, and KBS Daegu Broadcasting Station Director Kim Joo-young.
Through the agreement, they agreed to cooperate in ▴joint planning and promotion of low birth rate overcoming and awareness improvement projects, ▴promotion of Gyeongbuk Province’s ‘Happy Gyeongbuk Thanks to Children’ and Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education’s ‘Building Families, Connecting the Future’ and the private sector promotion headquarters’ ‘Our Children, Our Future’ brand linkage, ▴cooperation on special programs to overcome low birth rates such as ‘Children’s Heaven’, ▴promotion of donation campaigns of 10,000 won or more in which the entire nation participates, and ▴promotion of other low birth rate overcoming cooperation projects.
Overcoming low birth rates requires public participation and awareness improvement, and it seems that the low birth rate policies promoted by local governments and offices of education will gain more momentum with the participation of the private sector.
In particular, it is expected that policies on work-life balance that are important for companies, education to spread awareness of the low birth rate crisis that students need, and gender equality projects in cooperation with the women’s community will gain momentum.
Governor Lee Cheol-woo said, “The low birth rate and war that started in Gyeongbuk has expanded into a population national emergency, and all institutions and organizations including the government, local governments, and businesses are concentrating their capabilities. Next year, we must focus all our efforts on solving the structural problem of the low birth rate, such as easing concentration in the metropolitan area and strengthening local authority.” He emphasized, “Let’s show that if the public and private sectors of Daegu and Gyeongbuk jointly respond to overcoming the national challenge of the low birth rate and T·K join forces, we can solve any difficult problem.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
브레이크뉴스 대구 본부장입니다. 기사제보: noonbk053@hanmail.net
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