【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=이강덕 포항시장은 지난 26일 연말연시 민생경제 회복을 위해 노력하고 있는 포항시 소상공인 지원사업 관련 기관을 방문해 민생경제 회복을 위한 현장 소통에 나섰다.
이강덕 시장은 “연말연시 지속되는 경기침체로 어려운 소상공인들을 위한 민생경제 살리기, 소상공인 지원 정책을 추진해 나가겠다”며 “지역 소상공인 지원 및 상생협력을 위해 아낌없는 노력을 당부드린다”고 전했다.
한편 포항시는 신용보증재단과 함께 저신용자들의 대출 조건을 완화하는 방안을 모색하기로 했으며, 소상공인 금융지원을 대폭 확대해 2,000억 원 규모의 재원 조성으로 특례보증 지원과 이차보전금 지원 등 촘촘한 금융지원을 추진하고 있다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Pohang Mayor Lee Kang-deok, Small Business Support Project Related Organizations and On-site Communication for Recovery of People's Economy
On the 26th, Pohang Mayor Lee Kang-deok visited Pohang City's Small Business Support Project related organizations that are working to recover the people's economy during the year-end and New Year's holidays and engaged in on-site communication for recovery of the people's economy.
According to Pohang City on the 27th, Mayor Lee visited the Gyeongbuk Credit Guarantee Foundation and the Small Business Market Promotion Agency in turn, awarded plaques to employees, encouraged them, and requested mutual cooperation between the organizations.
Mayor Lee Kang-deok said, "We will promote policies to support small business owners and revive the people's economy for small business owners who are struggling due to the ongoing economic downturn during the year-end and New Year's holidays," and "I ask for your unsparing efforts to support local small business owners and promote mutual cooperation."
Meanwhile, Pohang City has decided to explore ways to ease loan conditions for low-credit borrowers in cooperation with the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund, and is promoting tight financial support such as special guarantee support and secondary collateral support by significantly expanding financial support for small business owners and creating a fund of 200 billion won.
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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