【브레이크뉴스 】박영재 기자=대한체육회 회장 선거에 도전해 단식까지 감행하면서 줄곧 후보 단일화를 외쳤던 박창범 대한우슈협회 회장(강신욱 후보 캠프 상임 선대위원장)이 5일 대구지역 기자들과 만나 강신욱(단국대 명예교수) 후보를 지지하게 된 배경에 대해 설명했다.
이날 대구 수성구의 한 커피숍에서 기자들과 만난 박 회장은 “혼돈에 빠진 한국 체육을 더 이상 두고 볼 수 없어 강 후보를 지지하게 됐다”며 말문을 열었다.
박회장은 “대한민국 체육계를 이끄는 대한체육회장은 청렴, 도덕성은 물론 공정한 사람이 돼야 한다는 생각에 강신욱 후보와 단일화를 결심했다”고 말했다.
이어 “저도 끝까지 완주하고 싶었지만 이기흥 현 회장이 다시 되지 않아야 한다는 마음이 더 컸기 때문에 단일화에 합의했다. 단식까지 했던 제 입장에서는 솔선수범하고 양보하고 희생 해야 되겠다는 생각에 후보들 중 가장 괜찮은 후보가 누구인지 고민하다 강신욱 후보가 적임자라고 판단해 단일화를 이뤘다”고 말했다.
▲ 박창범 회장께서는 처음부터 청렴과 도덕성, 공정함을 강조했었는데 특별한 이유가 있나?
△ 제가 강신욱 후보로 전격 단일화한 이유는 지금 이기흥 현 회장과 비교했을 때 모든 면에서 우월하다는 판단에서였다. 이 회장이 대한체육회장을 역임하면서 권력 사유화, 비위, 불공정 등이 문제가 됐다. 이 문제를 해소하기 위해서는 청렴하고 도덕적이며 공정한 분을 수장으로 모셔야 한다고 생각했다. 도덕성이 선결 조건이자 기본이다. 기본을 갖춰야 그 후의 체육 정책을 고민할 가치가 있다. 선결 조건에서 탈락한 분은 어떤 정책을 내세워도 대한체육회를 이끌어나갈 리더로 적합하지 않다. 그 관점에서 볼 때 저는 ‘강신욱 후보’를 지지하는 것이 맞다고 판단했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
【Break News】Reporter Park Young-jae = Park Chang-beom, the president of the Korea Wushu Association (standing election committee chairman of Kang Shin-wook’s camp), who challenged the election of the president of the Korea Sports Council and even went on a hunger strike, continuously called for a unification of candidates, met with reporters in the Daegu area on the 5th and explained the background of his support for candidate Kang Shin-wook (professor emeritus at Dankook University).
President Park, who met with reporters at a coffee shop in Suseong-gu, Daegu on this day, began by saying, “I can no longer stand by and watch Korean sports fall into chaos, so I ended up supporting candidate Kang.”
President Park said, “I decided to unify with candidate Kang Shin-wook because I thought that the president of the Korea Sports Council, who leads the sports world of Korea, should be a fair person as well as honest and moral.”
He continued, “I also wanted to finish the race, but I had a bigger desire to prevent the current president, Lee Ki-heung, from becoming president again, so I agreed to unification. From my perspective, which even included fasting, I thought I should take the lead, make concessions, and make sacrifices, so I thought about who the best candidate among the candidates was, and decided that Kang Shin-wook was the right candidate, and unified.”
<The following is a Q&A with Standing Election Committee Chairman Park Chang-beom.>
▲ Chairman Park Chang-beom emphasized integrity, morality, and fairness from the beginning. Was there a special reason?
△ The reason I unified with Kang Shin-wook was because I judged that he was superior in every way compared to the current Chairman Lee Ki-heung. While Lee was serving as the Chairman of the Korea Sports Council, there were issues such as privatization of power, corruption, and unfairness. I thought that in order to resolve these issues, we should have an honest, moral, and fair person as the head. Morality is a prerequisite and the basis. Only after the basics are in place will it be worth considering future sports policies. A person who fails the prerequisites is not suitable as a leader to lead the Korea Sports Council, no matter what policy he proposes. From that perspective, I decided that it was right to support ‘Candidate Kang Shin-wook.’
▲ What kind of person is candidate Kang Shin-wook?
△ Candidate Kang ran for the 41st Korea Sports Council President election and came in second place. I think he didn’t get enough votes as he had a good character because the COVID-19 pandemic was severe at the time of the election, so he didn’t have enough time to campaign. He said that even after losing in the 41st President election, he met with athletes and listened to their opinions on the ground. I heard that he personally traveled around the country to see and hear about local issues and difficulties on the ground. That’s why I thought he was the person who knew the most about current sports issues and was prepared. I bowed my head after hearing the story behind his 4-year preparation. In the end, I decided to put everything aside and support candidate Kang because I thought he was better than me.
▲ Please tell us about the direction the sports world should take.
△ “Many candidates focus only on financial support. In fact, financial support is important, but the core keyword in sports is fairness. The Archery Association is an example of this. The chairman of the Korean Archery Association, Jeong Ui-seon, did not create the Korean archery legend with financial support alone. Fairness was the foundation of the legend. The national team selection process of the Korean Archery Association is fairness itself. There is no school ties, regional ties, or factions. They only look at skills rather than name value. Only those who are ranked within the top 100 out of 1,500 nationwide can participate in the national team selection process. The 100 players compete fiercely through 10 competitions. They are evaluated fairly and fiercely through matches until the very end. This is why all citizens expect that even if a famous star is not selected for the national archery team, the players selected for the national archery team will naturally be excellent. This can be seen as being in line with the reason why a moral, honest, and fair candidate should become the chairman of the Sports Council.”
▲ Do you have anything to say about your tenure as the standing election committee chairman of the ‘Kang Shin-wook Candidate’ camp?
△ “I worked hard to unify the candidates until the end, and I did my best until the moment I stepped down. I thought my role was over when I unified and supported Candidate Kang, but Candidate Kang suggested that I help him until he wins the election as a single team. I agonized over the suggestion to stay together until the end, and accepted Candidate Kang Shin-wook’s proposal, which was moral and prepared. I will focus all my capabilities on Candidate Kang’s election. I will work hard to unify with other candidates until the last day of the election. I will join forces with all candidates to put the name of a new leader on the Korea Sports Council.”
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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