대왕고래 이어 마귀상어…동해에 ‘51억 배럴’추가 매장 기대감↑울릉분지에 최대 51억7000만 배럴 가스·석유 추가 매장 용역 보고서 제출
예상 매장량은 가스·석유최소 6억8000만에서 최대 51억7000만 배럴 추산 탐사 자원량이 가장 많은 유망구조의 이름은 '마귀상어(Goblin shark) 최대 12억9000만 배럴 가스·석유 매장 성공률은 대왕고래 20%와 유사
정부는 전문가 팀을 구성해 보고서의 내용을 검증하는 절차에 들어갔다. 동해 심해의 총 가스·석유 추정 매장량은 190억 배럴이 넘을 전망이다.
탐사 자원량이 가장 많은 유망구조의 이름은 '마귀상어(Goblin shark)'로 전해졌다. 최대 12억9000만 배럴의 가스·석유가 있으며 탐사 성공률은 대왕고래의 20%와 유사한 것으로 분석됐다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Following the blue whale, the devil shark… Expectations for ‘5.1 billion barrels’ of additional reserves in the East Sea
[Break News Pohang] Reporter Park Young-jae = A service report has been submitted stating that up to 5.17 billion barrels of additional gas and oil are buried in the Ulleung Basin, where the East Sea deep-sea gas field development project (Blue Whale Project) is underway.
The government has formed a team of experts to begin the process of verifying the contents of the report. The total estimated gas and oil reserves in the East Sea deep sea are expected to exceed 19 billion barrels.
According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Korea National Oil Corporation on the 2nd, ActGeo, a deep-sea technology assessment company in the United States, submitted a service report titled ‘Ulleung Basin Additional Prospective Assessment’ containing these contents to the Korea National Oil Corporation in December of last year. ActGeo is the company that conducted the physical exploration and analysis of the ‘Blue Whale Prospective Structure’, which the government announced in June of last year could contain up to 14 billion barrels of oil and gas.
The report included the discovery of 14 additional promising structures with high gas and oil potential as a result of additional analysis of the Ulleung Basin area. The estimated reserves of the 14 promising structures are estimated to be between a minimum of 680 million barrels and a maximum of 5.17 billion barrels. This is the ‘exploration resource amount’ measured through physical exploration and geological analysis without drilling.
The name of the promising structure with the largest exploration resource amount is said to be ‘Goblin shark.’ It is analyzed that there are up to 1.29 billion barrels of gas and oil, and the exploration success rate is similar to that of the blue whale at 20%.
However, since the Korea National Oil Corporation has only received the service results, it seems that it will be able to confirm more specific reserves and potential only after conducting detailed additional verification with experts. The size of the reserves may change depending on the verification results. This verification is being conducted mainly by domestic experts such as academic societies.
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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