포스코홀딩스, 2024년 영업익 2조1700억…전년대비 38.5%↓시황악화 따른 평가손실 및 선제적 구조개편 과정서 발생한 비현금성 손실 1.3조원 반영, 이차전지소재 부문 신규 공장 조기 안정화, 포트폴리오 리밸런싱으로 사업 효율 제고, 저수익 사업·비핵심 자산 구조개편…2025년까지 106개 프로젝트 마쳐 누적 현금창출 2.1조 목표
【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=포스코홀딩스가 2024년 연결기준 매출 72조 6천 8백 8십억원, 영업이익 2조 1천 7백 4십억원, 순이익 9천 4백 8십억원의 실적을 발표하고, 위기 극복과 재도약을 위한 경쟁력 강화 방안을 밝혔다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.> POSCO Holdings, 2024 operating profit of KRW 2.17 trillion… 38.5%↓ YoY
[Break News Pohang] Reporter Park Young-jae = POSCO Holdings announced its 2024 consolidated sales of KRW 72.688 trillion, operating profit of KRW 2.174 trillion, and net profit of KRW 948 billion, and announced a plan to strengthen competitiveness for overcoming the crisis and making a comeback.
Last year, the performance of the steel and secondary battery materials businesses was affected by the deterioration of the domestic and international business environment, such as sluggish domestic and international steel demand, oversupply of Chinese steel, and decline in key mineral prices. In addition, non-cash losses of KRW 1.3 trillion were reflected, such as one-time impairment losses incurred during the preemptive restructuring of low-yield assets and increased business efficiency, and valuation losses due to deteriorating market conditions. Accordingly, POSCO Holdings' consolidated sales, operating profit, and net profit decreased by △5.8%, △38.4%, and △48.6%, respectively, compared to the previous year.
In the steel sector, POSCO's sales and operating profit decreased compared to the previous year due to decreased production and sales caused by sluggish demand and blast furnace renovation, and in the secondary battery materials sector, POSCO Future M's performance also decreased due to decreased sales volume caused by a drop in metal prices and the postponement of the US FEOC designation of natural graphite.
In the infrastructure sector, profitability was defended thanks to stable profit generation through POSCO International's expansion of the energy value chain and POSCO E&C's increased orders.
Last year, POSCO Holdings also achieved results in terms of the group's business. For a year, under the management vision of ‘Materials that open the future, innovation toward first-class’, efforts to achieve carbon neutrality continued, such as the development of hydrogen reduction ironmaking technology and the commencement of construction of an electric furnace, and the foundation for strengthening global business was established through the signing of an MOU for cooperation in the steel/secondary battery materials/energy sector with JSW of India.
In addition, competitiveness in the steel, secondary battery materials, and infrastructure business sectors was further strengthened, such as the completion of domestic and overseas lithium upstream and downstream production plants and the continued expansion of gas fields in Myanmar and Australia.
We also worked to increase shareholder value, such as using KRW 100 billion of the cash inflow through the restructuring of the group’s assets to purchase and burn treasury stocks, and decided to burn 6% of treasury stocks held over a period of three years, and burn 2% in 2024.
POSCO Holdings also announced a plan to strengthen the group’s business competitiveness to overcome the current crisis and prepare for a sustainable future.
The steel business plans to secure global business opportunities by expanding investments in high-growth/high-profit markets such as India and North America, create specific results in the carbon-neutral sector, and achieve structural innovation in cost through facility strengthening and efficiency to strengthen core competitiveness.
The secondary battery materials business focuses on achieving normal operation at new domestic and overseas plants such as Argentina’s brine lithium phase 1, domestic ore lithium plants 1 and 2, recycling, and silicon cathode material plants as soon as possible, and securing a stable profit base by expanding customer product certifications. In addition, the company will focus on securing quality resources such as bidding for Chile’s Maricunga and Alto Andinos lithium salt lake projects and collaborating with Australia’s Hancock for additional lithium development, and will rebalance its portfolio by adjusting the speed of low-profit businesses.
In addition, POSCO Holdings plans to complete the ongoing restructuring without a hitch to maintain financial soundness and improve asset efficiency.
POSCO Group completed 45 out of 125 low-margin business and non-core asset restructuring projects last year, generating KRW 662.5 billion in cash, and plans to complete 61 additional projects by this year, securing a total of KRW 2.1 trillion in accumulated cash from 106 projects to increase asset efficiency and utilize it as a source of growth investment.
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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