【브레이크뉴스 청송】이성현 기자=청송군(군수 윤경희)은 지난 10월 8일 자원봉사 활성화의 일환으로 부남면 대전3리에서 행복마을 만들기 봉사활동을 진행했다고 10일 밝혔다.
이날 행사에는 한국자유총연맹청송군지회, 청송읍건강마을지킴이, 손사랑봉사단, 행복나눔집수리봉사단, 청송라온색소폰앙상블, 청송사진회, 부남면새마을부녀회 등 7개 단체 50여 명의 봉사자들이 참여했다.
참가자들은 인식개선 교육, 어르신 건강 체조 교실, 손마사지, 칼갈이, 색소폰 공연, 추억사진 촬영, 맞춤 돋보기 지원, 고무신 공예 등 다양한 봉사활동을 펼치며 재능 나눔을 실천했다.
윤경희 청송군수는 “재능 나눔 봉사활동에 참여해 주신 자원봉사자분들에게 감사드리며, 주민들이 더욱 행복한 청송군을 만들기 위해 앞으로도 더욱 힘쓰겠다.”라고 말했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Cheongsong-gun, Happy Village Creation Volunteer Activity
Cheongsong-gun (Governor Yoon Kyung-hee) announced on the 10th that it conducted a Happy Village Creation Volunteer Activity in Daejeon 3-ri, Bunam-myeon on October 8th as part of its volunteer revitalization efforts.
The ‘Happy Village Creation’ project is a project to spread a culture of sharing through volunteers’ talent donations and to restore a sense of community by creating a vibrant village led by villagers.
About 50 volunteers from 7 organizations, including the Cheongsong-gun branch of the Korean Freedom Federation, Cheongsong-eup Health Village Guardians, Sonsarang Volunteer Group, Happy Sharing House Repair Volunteer Group, Cheongsong Laon Saxophone Ensemble, Cheongsong Photography Club, and Bunam-myeon New Village Women’s Association, participated in the event that day.
Participants practiced sharing their talents by engaging in various volunteer activities such as awareness improvement education, senior health gymnastics classes, hand massages, knife sharpening, saxophone performances, taking memorable photos, providing customized magnifying glasses, and making rubber shoes.
Yoon Kyung-hee, the governor of Cheongsong County, said, “I would like to thank the volunteers who participated in the talent sharing service activity, and I will continue to work hard to create a Cheongsong County where residents are happier.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
![]() 브레이크뉴스 대구 본부장입니다. 기사제보: noonbk053@hanmail.net
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