【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=크라카타우포스코는 17일, 우리은행과 '인도네시아 철강 경쟁력 강화를 위한 금융지원 업무협약(MOU)'을 체결했다고 밝혔다.
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Krakatau POSCO signs MOU with Woori Sodara Bank for $200 million in financial support... Strengthening Indonesia's steel competitiveness
On the 17th, Krakatau POSCO signed a 'Financial Support Business Agreement (MOU) for Strengthening Indonesia's Steel Competitiveness' with Woori Bank.
The signing ceremony, held at the headquarters of Woori Sodara Bank, an Indonesian subsidiary of Woori Bank, was attended by key officials from both companies, including Jeong Beom-soo, CEO of Krakatau POSCO, and Kim Eung-cheol, CEO of Woori Sodara Bank.
According to the business agreement, Krakatau POSCO will receive $200 million in financial support for domestic raw material supply and working capital credit loans from Woori Sodara Bank.
Krakatau POSCO is currently expanding its purchase of local iron ore and coking coal in Indonesia, and through this agreement, it expects to secure stable operating funds, thereby strengthening cost competitiveness amidst the flood of Chinese imports, and growing together with Woori Sodara Bank.
Jeong Beom-soo, CEO of Krakatau POSCO, said, “We are aiming to use up to 30% of local iron ore and raw coal by 2026, and through this funding, we will secure cost competitiveness and supply steel stably, thereby contributing to the development of the Indonesian economy.”
Kim Eung-cheol, CEO of Woori Sodara Bank, said, “We will not stop at short-term financial support, but will do our best to support Krakatau POSCO and Woori Sodara Bank so that they can grow together in the long term.”
This year, Krakatau POSCO obtained an investment grade rating from credit rating agency S&P and successfully issued a global bond worth USD 700 million. Based on its improved financial structure and profitability, it plans to pursue sustainable growth. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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