【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=포스코는 고용노동부와 한국산업인력공단이 주관한 2024 국가인적자원개발컨소시엄 성과평가에서 6년 연속 최우수 등급을 받았다고 5일 밝혔다.
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POSCO Selected as Best SME Education Institution for 6 Consecutive Years... Recognized as an Exemplary Case of Curriculum System
POSCO received the highest grade for 6 consecutive years in the 2024 National Human Resources Development Consortium Performance Evaluation hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Human Resources Development Institute of Korea.
On the 4th, POSCO received the Performance Evaluation Excellent Institution Award and the Autonomous Joint Training Center Selection Plaque at the Excellent Joint Training Center Awards Ceremony held at the Garden Hotel in Mapo-gu, Seoul.
The National Human Resources Development Consortium is a government-supported project that provides customized on-site education and training to employees of small and medium-sized enterprises by utilizing the excellent education infrastructure of large corporations.
The Ministry of Employment and Labor designates companies and institutions participating in the consortium as joint training centers and supports the purchase of facility equipment, development of education programs, operating expenses, and training expenses. In addition, the top 20% of institutions are selected as autonomous joint training centers through a comprehensive evaluation of training performance, professional expertise, and education satisfaction.
POSCO has been selected as an autonomous joint training center for 12 consecutive years since 2013, and has been recognized as an exemplary case of education operation for the longest period among participating organizations. Since 2019, excellent joint training centers have been selected, and POSCO has received the highest grade in every evaluation.
Last year, POSCO provided technical job training such as welding, overhead cranes, machine maintenance, and electrical equipment management, as well as ESG capacity improvement training to 22,182 employees of 522 companies including partners, subcontractors, and contractors. In particular, it is contributing to establishing a safety culture by providing safety education by level to all employees of partner companies. Since the introduction of the consortium education project in 2005, the number of people trained by POSCO has reached approximately 690,000 people from 2,092 companies.
On this day, POSCO plans to donate all of the incentives of 15 million won based on the highest evaluation to the POSCO 1% Sharing Foundation to practice the value of sharing in the local community. The cumulative incentive donation amount is 170 million won as of now.
Posco Management Support Division Director Yang Byeong-ho said, “We will continue to promote human resource development of partner companies and SMEs through various job development projects with the government and realize the value of mutual growth between large and small companies.”
In the meantime, POSCO has been operating a job support education program for young job seekers linked to employment. Including 175 people last year, a total of 1,707 job seekers have been linked to employment at partner companies since 2017, playing a leading role in creating youth jobs and fostering talent for SMEs.
In addition, POSCO is participating in the ‘Large-Small Mutual Growth Academy,’ a new government project established this year. The 'Large-Small and Medium-Sized Symbiosis Academy' is a project that opens and shares excellent education and training programs of large companies to workers of small and medium-sized companies such as partner companies and supports this with government support. POSCO plans to operate not only mid- to long-term education and training, but also long-term training certification courses of 40 hours or more, and establish specialized courses and certification systems tailored to the field to support worker career planning and capacity improvement from a mid- to long-term perspective. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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