포스코,유럽 하이퍼루프센터 시험노선에 전용강재 공급 '세계최초'포스코,“미래교통수단에 소요되는 철강재 신수요 그룹 차원서 차질 없이 준비”【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=포스코가 지난 9일 네덜란드 빈담(Veendam)에서 하르트(Hardt)社 주최로 열린 하이퍼루프 EHC Phase A 시험노선 준공식에 참석했다고 밝혔다.
포스코에 따르면 이번 행사에는 옌스 기세케(Jens Gieseke) 유럽의회 위원, 콘스탄틴 반 오라녀(Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau) 네덜란드 왕자, 이니고 크루즈 마르띠네스(Inigo Cruz Martinez) 유럽연합 교통당국 정책 담당관, 베르트랑 반 이(Bertrand Van Ee) 하르트社 CEO를 비롯해 EHC 파트너사 등 약 300여 명이 참석했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
POSCO to supply exclusive steel for the world's first European Hyperloop Center test line
On the 9th, POSCO attended the Hyperloop EHC Phase A test line completion ceremony hosted by Hardt in Veendam, the Netherlands.
The event was attended by approximately 300 people, including European Parliament Member Jens Gieseke, Dutch Prince Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau, European Union Transport Authority Policy Officer Inigo Cruz Martinez, Hardt CEO Bertrand Van Ee, and EHC partners.
The EHC (European Hyperloop Center) is a sub-project of the Hyperloop Development Program (HDP), a national hyperloop development project conducted by Hardt and the Dutch government, and is equipped with a test line and research facilities to promote hyperloop standardization and technology verification within the EU.
Steel for commercial hyperloop tubes requires about 2,000 tons per kilometer, and it is an industry with a huge potential market, with a total of 25,000 km of hyperloop expected to be built in Europe alone by 2050.
The hyperloop test line (Phase A) that is being completed this time has a diameter of 2.5 m and a length of 450 m, and will focus on testing test operations and acceleration/deceleration (maximum instantaneous speed of 100 km/hr), precision control of branch sections, and the safety of passengers.
POSCO participated in the entire process from EHC design to production through collaboration between the Steel Research Institute, Steel Solution Research Institute, and Marketing Headquarters, and supplied 352 tons of PosLoop 355 steel, which is 27% lighter than the existing Hardt design, to the Phase A test line section. This is the world's first specialized steel for hyperloop tubes, and its vibration damping effect* that occurs during high-speed driving is 1.7 times that of general steel, and it also has excellent seismic performance. *Vibration damping: A characteristic that damps (reduces) vibrations internally within the material
In addition, this test line was designed to allow for line branch tests during high-speed driving, and 123 tons of POSCO's high-grade thick plates were applied here, so that POSCO's steel will be used throughout the entire hyperloop section.
In addition to the recently completed Phase A test line, if the Phase B section (2.7 km) is additionally constructed by 2027, it will be possible to drive at a maximum speed of 700 km/hr and check safety performance, so it is expected to be one step closer to commercialization.
POSCO has decided to continue its cooperation with Hart in various ways, such as applying specialized steel and differentiated tube structures to the main and branch sections so that competitive infrastructure can be applied to the Phase B test line.
POSCO International, a group company, is also participating in this project. As part of its global new business development in 2022, POSCO International invested in Hart and secured a 6.1% stake, securing the right to supply steel materials. In 2023, it signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hart and is developing Phase B as well as projects in Europe and the Middle East. POSCO and POSCO International plan to continue joint promotional activities so that POSCO steel can be used in other global hyperloop test line projects in the future.
Lim Gyu-hwan, head of POSCO’s Hot Rolled Steel Wire Marketing Office, predicted, “In the future when carbon neutrality is realized, intercontinental movement of passengers and cargo will be handled by airplanes and ships, but intercity travel at the megacity level will be handled by hyperloop with superior energy efficiency and transport speed.” He added, “POSCO Group will smoothly prepare for the new demand for steel materials required for future transportation.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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