포스코, 2023 동반성장지수 ‘최우수’ 등급에 선정...5년 연속공정하고 투명한 거래 문화... 비즈니스 파트너와 상생협력 적극 실천한 점 인정【브레이크뉴스 포항】박영재 기자=포스코가 동반성장위원회에서 선정하는 2023 동반성장지수 평가에서 최고 등급인 ‘최우수’ 등급을 받아 5년 연속 최우수 등급을 획득하게 됐다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
POSCO Selected as ‘Best’ Grade in 2023 Mutual Growth Index... Best Grade for 5 Consecutive Years
POSCO received the highest grade, ‘Best’, in the 2023 Mutual Growth Index Evaluation selected by the Mutual Growth Committee. As a result of this evaluation, POSCO has obtained the Best Grade for 5 consecutive years.
The 80th Mutual Growth Committee held on October 8th confirmed and announced the results of the 2023 Mutual Growth Index Evaluation targeting 218 large and medium-sized companies. In the Mutual Growth Index Evaluation announced this time, the top 44 companies, including POSCO, were selected as the Best Grade.
The Mutual Growth Index is an indicator that evaluates and quantifies the level of mutual growth between large and medium-sized companies with the aim of promoting mutual growth between large and small companies. The ‘Comprehensive Evaluation of Mutual Growth’ conducted by the Mutual Growth Committee and the ‘Fair Trade Agreement Implementation Evaluation’ conducted by the Fair Trade Commission are combined to calculate the score, and the score is divided into five grades: Excellent, Good, Average, and Poor.
POSCO received a high evaluation in recognition of its efforts to establish a fair and transparent trade culture and its active practice of win-win cooperation with business partners. POSCO is operating eight representative mutual growth programs, including the Performance Sharing System and Mutual Growth Support Team, to build a robust supply chain and to promote continuous mutual growth with SMEs.
* POSCO’s 8 representative programs for shared growth: △Performance sharing system △Strengthening smart capabilities △1st and 2nd direct payment system △Steel ESG mutual growth fund △PHP volunteer group △Poyu Dream job matching △Shared growth support group △Venture fostering
■ 20th anniversary of POSCO’s performance sharing system
The performance sharing system is a system that POSCO first introduced in Korea in 2004, in which large companies and small and medium-sized companies jointly perform improvement tasks and share the results. By performing improvement tasks, small and medium-sized companies secure technological prowess and increase profitability, while POSCO receives excellent products through specialized and capable small and medium-sized companies. It has established itself as a standard model representing shared growth in the industry in that it simultaneously strengthens the mutual competitiveness of POSCO and small and medium-sized companies in the long term. POSCO has carried out a total of 5,521 improvement tasks in various areas such as localization, cost reduction, safety environment, and sales expansion with 2,316 companies up to last year, and paid a total of 803.1 billion won in SME performance rewards.
■ Support for productivity improvement through smart factory construction
The ‘Smart Capacity Enhancement’ that supports productivity innovation in SMEs is characterized by cultivating the innovation mindset of SME employees through POSCO’s unique innovation technique, QSS (Quick Six Sigma), and supporting the construction of smart factories on that foundation, thereby maximizing the improvement effect. From 2013 to last year, POSCO has invested a total of 39.3 billion won to support 2,234 companies with and without transactions, and has received a great response from the beneficiary companies by achieving meaningful results such as increased sales and reduced production lead times.
■ ‘SME Problem Solver’ Mutual Growth Support Group
The ‘Mutual Growth Support Group’, which is celebrating its 4th anniversary this year, is a specialized organization for supporting SMEs comprised of POSCO employees with long-term experience and expertise in each field. It provides customized consulting services in a total of 4 areas: △Establishment of smart factories △Improvement of facilities and processes △Quality and technology innovation △Resolving ESG issues to help SMEs innovate. Since its launch in 2021, approximately 100 SMEs have participated and completed approximately 300 tasks, generating a financial effect of approximately KRW 33.9 billion.
Meanwhile, POSCO plans to continue its mutual growth activities so that POSCO and SMEs can coexist by promoting the management capabilities, product quality, and productivity of SMEs based on the belief that building a sustainable supply chain is directly linked to strengthening the competitiveness of the Korean steel industry. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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