지난 28일 국회 농림축산식품해양수산위원회 소속 더불어민주당 이원택(농해수위 간사, 전북 군산시김제시부안군을), 임미애(전국농어민위원장, 비례), 윤준병(농해수위 예결소위 위원장, 전북 정읍시고창군) 의원은 박정 예결위원장과 허영 예결위 간사를 만나 “농업·농촌·농민을 살리기 위해 민생예산 32건의 예산확대가 필요하다”며 증액을 요청했다.
농해수위 민주당 의원들은 32건의 농업민생예산에 대해 “기후위기와 고물가·고에너지요금 등으로 인해 농업·농촌이 당면한 복합적 위기를 극복하기 위한 예산이 주를 이루고 있다”고 설명했다.
이들은 박찬대 원내대표, 진성준 정책위원회 의장에게도 농업민생예산 증액을 요청하는 건의서를 전달하기도 했다.
농해수위 민주당 의원들이 요청하는 농림분야 32개 핵심예산은 쌀값 안정 분야, 생산비 급등 지원 분야, 농산물 가격 및 농가 경영안정 분야, 재해·재난 안전 분야, 축산분야, 방역 정상화 분야 등이다.
박정 위원장은 농해수위 민주당 의원들이 요청한 건의서를 전달받으며 “증액요청한 사업들은 현재 당면한 농업·농촌에 닥친 위기를 극복하기 위한 필수적 예산이니만큼 예산확보에 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.
허영 간사는 “현재 예산안등조정소위원회에서 증액심사를 하는만큼 건의한 예산증액이 충분히 반영할 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 말했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
The Democratic Party of Korea members met with the National Assembly Budget Settlement Special Committee Chairman and requested an increase in 32 key budget items in the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors.
On the 28th, the Democratic Party of Korea members of the National Assembly Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock, Food, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee, Lee Won-taek (Secretary of the Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Fisheries Committee, Jeollabuk-do Gunsan-si, Gimje-si, and Buan-gun), Lim Mi-ae (Chairperson of the National Farmers and Fishermen Committee, Proportional), and Yoon Jun-byeong (Chairperson of the Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries Committee, Budget and Settlement Subcommittee, Jeollabuk-do Jeongeup-si, and Chang-gun) met with the Chairman of the Budget and Settlement Committee, Park Jeong, and the Secretary of the Budget and Settlement Committee, Heo Young, and requested an increase, saying, “In order to save agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, an expansion of the budget for 32 livelihood budget items is necessary.”
The Democratic Party members of the Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Fisheries Committee explained that the 32 agricultural and livelihood budget items were “mainly budgets to overcome the complex crises facing agriculture and rural areas due to climate crisis, high prices, and high energy rates.”
They also delivered a petition requesting an increase in the agricultural and livelihood budget to floor leader Park Chan-dae and policy committee chairman Jin Seong-jun.
The 32 core budgets in the agricultural and forestry sector requested by the Democratic Party members of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Committee include stabilizing rice prices, supporting rapid increases in production costs, stabilizing agricultural product prices and farm management, disaster and calamity safety, livestock, and normalizing quarantine.
Chairman Park Jeong received the petition requested by the Democratic Party members of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Committee and said, “The projects for which an increase has been requested are essential budgets to overcome the current crisis facing agriculture and rural areas, so we will do our best to secure the budget.”
Secretary Heo Young said, “We will do our best to ensure that the proposed budget increase is sufficiently reflected as the budget bill adjustment subcommittee is currently reviewing the increase.”
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
기획, 특집 담당입니다. 진실하고 정확한 보도를 통해 독자 여러분들의 입과 귀가 되겠습니다.
경북, 민주당, 임미애, 농업민생예산 관련기사목록
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