【브레이크뉴스 울릉】진예솔 기자=경상북도의회 남진복 의원(울릉군)이 2025년도 울릉군과 울릉교육에 지원될 예산으로 339억 원이 확보됐다고 19일 밝혔다.
지난 11일 경북도의회 제351회 제3차 본회의에서 2025년도 울릉군과 울릉교육 지원예산안이 원안 통과됐다.
울릉군 관련예산은 289억 원으로 분야별 사업내역은 ▶여객선유류비, 경북도민운임, 울릉군민운임, 생필품운송비 등 해상교통운송분야 29억7천만원 ▶노인일자리, 양로원, 산부인과.소아과 진료체계구축 등 보건복지정책분야 17억8천만원 ▶농수산물택배비, 사료지원, 산불인건비 등 농축산림분야 16억8천만원 ▶전기자동차, 소각장, 노후상수도정비 등 친환경물정책분야 31억원 ▶행남산책로, 캠핑장, 내수전휴양지 조성 등 관광문화체육분야 38억9천만원 ▶독도박물관, 안용복기념관, 평화호, 해양연구기지, 어업용유류비 등 해양수산분야 30억원 ▶풍수해 종합정비 등 재난안전분야 9억5천만원 ▶가족센타 건립 등 아이여성청소년분야 6억5천만원 ▶택시유류비 등 민생분야 3억4천만원 ▶위험도로개선, 도시계획도로 정비, 농로개설, 관로보수 등 주민숙원사업 14억원 ▶울릉소방서 신축 90억원 등이다.
울릉교육지원청 관련예산으로는 ▶울초그린스마트 26억원 ▶울초관사 10억원 ▶천부초특별교실 3억7천만원 ▶남양초교사 2억7천만원 ▶우천통로.방수 6억원 등 시설투자비 50억원이 확보됐다.
남진복 의원은 “어려운 재정여건 속에서도 지역현안 해결과 계속사업 추진에 차질 없도록 예산확보를 위해 동분서주해왔다”며 “앞으로도 남한권 울릉군수와 함께 지역발전과 군민의 삶의 질 향상을 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.
<구글 번역으로 번역한 영문 기사의 전문 입니다. 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 밝힙니다.>
Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Assemblyman Nam Jin-bok (Ulleung-gun, People Power Party floor leader) announced on the 19th that 33.9 billion won has been secured as a budget to support Ulleung-gun and Ulleung education in 2025.
On the 11th, at the 3rd plenary session of the 351st Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Assembly, the 2025 Ulleung-gun and Ulleung education support budget bill was passed in its original form.
The budget related to Ulleung-gun is 28.9 billion won, and the business details by sector are as follows: ▶ Maritime transportation sector including passenger ship fuel costs, Gyeongbuk Province resident fares, Ulleung-gun resident fares, and daily necessities transportation costs, KRW 2.97 billion ▶ Health and welfare policy sector including senior citizen jobs, nursing homes, and establishment of obstetrics and gynecology and pediatric treatment systems, KRW 1.78 billion ▶ Agriculture and forestry sector including agricultural and marine product delivery costs, feed support, and forest fire personnel costs, KRW 1.68 billion ▶ Eco-friendly water policy sector including electric vehicles, incinerators, and maintenance of old water supply systems, KRW 3.1 billion ▶ Tourism, culture, and sports sector including construction of Haengnam Trail, camping grounds, and Naesujeon resorts, KRW 3.89 billion ▶ Marine and fisheries sector including Dokdo Museum, Ahn Yong-bok Memorial Hall, Pyeonghwaho, marine research base, and fishery fuel costs, KRW 3 billion ▶ Disaster and safety sector including comprehensive maintenance of flood damage, KRW 950 million ▶ Children, women, and youth sector including construction of family centers 650 million won ▶ 340 million won for livelihood sectors such as taxi fuel costs ▶ 1.4 billion won for long-awaited projects for residents such as improving dangerous roads, urban planning roads, opening farm roads, and repairing pipelines ▶ 9 billion won for the construction of a new Ulleung Fire Station, etc.
The budget related to the Ulleung Office of Education includes ▶ 2.6 billion won for Ulleung Green Smart ▶ 1 billion won for Ulleung official residence ▶ 370 million won for Cheonbu Elementary School special classroom ▶ 270 million won for Namyang Elementary School teachers ▶ 600 million won for rainwater passages and waterproofing, etc., for a total of 5 billion won in facility investment.
Assemblyman Nam Jin-bok said, “Despite difficult financial conditions, we have been working hard to secure a budget so that we can resolve local issues and continue projects without any problems,” and “We will continue to do our best to improve the quality of life of the county residents together with the Ulleung County Governor in the southern part of Korea.”
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 대구경북 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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